Is kraken really that bad?

Immune to stun
Gains life on the same condition that it saps opposing team

I think that’s gotta be about it…

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I kind of come down in the middle on Kraken. I think you’re right in that he doesn’t do all the things that Krudler mentions in isolation, but in the right combination, he does a lot of things. At the same time, he doesn’t really give me much trouble and is relatively easy to counter, as long as things don’t go completely off the rails (as they sometimes do with Forest Troll teams).

The nerf to on-match traits helped to diminish his overpoweredness a little bit, but it just means it takes more loops to do what he was doing before (which annoys me when I use him on invades and is a relief when I face him on defence.)

This is true but can be said of a lot of cards

Yup. I was a pretty harsh critic of the Justice League meta on console and saw the problem as about 8 things rolled into one, but it only took one subtle adjustment by the devs to bring that meta under control. I didn’t believe it would work, but I was wrong. From that lesson, I think there is probably a slight problem with the combination of Forest Troll and Kraken that is getting out of hand, most likely it is that trolls are spawning too many gems, or possibly that the anti-random gem spawning algorithm is putting clusters together too often. Either one leads to the same result, which is Kraken doing a lot, often.

I still thinks this is unlikely to be achieved. Not to say that it’s impossible, but when you take into account how subjetive are the reasons to ask for nerfs or to fight against it i can’t see a neutral ground.

Using @KrudlerTheHorse’s analogy with windows:

And if you wash this window many others will still be dirty so why bother wanting this one clean.

  • Some could be in favor of it because they want to know what happens in the room while others would be against in order to preserve the the intimacy of said room. So, who is in the wrong here?

Is this the “classic juvenile antics” of spying on the girls’s dressing room? Or… Is there something fishy/wrong happening in this said room, and to keep it going some people prefers to leave the window dirty?

It’s just subjective and unconciliatory in many levels…

Just to make a small observation: I don’t disagree, but even if Wisp would be Legendary it does “too much good stuff” (and imagine it with a Legendary Trait…) mostly because Charm is empowered by your enemy’s attack. I never liked (in other games) features/mechanics that preys/punishes the player for being strong…

I will be leaving this thread until order has been restored…

Enough. Take the personal heat to PM.