Hey folks,
(and thanks for some of the kind words above)
So, yeah - I’m not at liberty to discuss any hard numbers about players or revenue (that is all protected information under NDA with our publisher… though the infographic we shared last year had some tidbits in it Gems of War in 2016 - more infographics coming this year, I hope!)
We’ve been able to steadily grow the full-time team from 4 to almost 20, as well as supporting the publishing operations for the game at 505 Games. Gems of War has steadily grown its playerbase during that time too -
and it continues to get bigger little by little.
We’re obviously not Puzzle and Dragons, or Clash of Clans, or Hearthstone! There are plenty of games above us in the revenue lists, but our goal has always been for longevity, not quick revenue. Most of us catch the train to work, or ride our bikes - no Ferraris here unfortunately! But I think there’s a pretty good future for the game, and many years of features & content to come too, based on our current trajectory.
Successful? We’re doing what we set out to do, and the income supports us, so yeah… successful enough to keep the lights and servers on (and pizzas on the table) for a goodly number of years I hope!