[Investigating] Zuul goth spell cast, enemies frozen and still get extra turns

Platform, device version and operating system:
Mobile, samsung note 8
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Casting zuul goth spell and frozen enemies still get extra turns while frozen

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Happens around once every 5 or so fights. It started happening a couple of weeks ago

Steps to make it happen again
Cast zuul goth spell and watch enemies still get extra turns while frozen

Frozen troops only disable extra turns on their own colours (or if they’re in first slot, skulls) and their abilities.

A fully frozen team can still extra turn off colours none of them uses, as well as Hourglass gems.

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When a frenzy of extra turn matches for ai happens all it takes is tge last one being a color not frozen for it to given them a turn.

More precisely, if a massive Gem cascade happens where several matches (of 4 or more Gems) are happening together, it only takes ONE of those matches being a non-Frozen color to get the Extra Turn. (If all six colors are Frozen, this means no Extra Turns at all.) Spells that generate Extra Turns will do so unless the caster themself is frozen, and Hourglass Gems award an Extra Turn regardless of everything.

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Could it also be a thing with Hourglass gems? Those completely ignore everything that could conceivably prevent an extra turn.

Hello :slight_smile:

For further investigation, please provide a recorded video footage of this issue!

Please also provide your Invite Code

Yes, from what I’ve seen mostly it’s the first troop that’s frozen that matches skulls created by the zuul spell and gets an extra turn

I’m not sure how to make the recording on mobile lol.
Invite code is JUSTINPUNS_RHTT