[Reported] Ironhawk Bugged

Android (Note20 Ultra),

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Last enemy had 4hp and Ironhawk killed him with Artillery Support trait before. It was triggered by me selecting my hero with a weapon (Runic Sword). Game froze, I assume it still was waiting for me to select enemy, but there is noone to select… I hoped it will just show victory screen and move on

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Few time already, always after Ironhawk kills the last enemy with it’s trait and when I tried to use unit that requires selecting an enemy - like Runic Sword for example

Steps to make it happen again
Have Ironhawk in your team with all traits, (I’ve placed him on the 4th spot). Have hero with Runic Sword (1st spot on my team) or similar weapon that requires selecting enemy. Drop down last enemy to <= 5hp. Select hero unit. Enemy should got killed by Ironhawk trait. Should freeze game - not going to Victory screen. You still should be able to enter settings and such.

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