[INVESTIGATING] Guild chat unavailable (during Tower week!)

confirmed: some chat from previous day disappeared after daily reset
confirmed: guild chat is not working
edit: android

nice done during a (so rare) tower week. All last notes (rooms) are lost for some (all ?) guilds …

same here mate. chat lost

0114 here, still down on xbox

Still can’t access chat on PS4 (EU).

Another fix has been pushed and the server rebooted, please restart your devices and let us know if it is continuing to time out.

so far is fine now

Same problem still here + some entries of our Tower of Doom were deleted :face_with_head_bandage:

Chat back up, hopefully to stay.

Still broken on Nintendo Switch. At least for me. Was good shortly before day’s reset. Now is again unreachable. Have closed, and restarted game a few times. Getting the “Please try again later” message posted above.

Was able to get chat to load after several tries. Closed out the game, and reopened to verify everthing was working. Now the issue is back, cannot connect. Whatever is going on seems to be intermittent.

Chat is still broken on Xbox as well

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One of our mates mapped floors 23 thru 28 last night on guild chat. This morning, floors 24, 26, and 28 are missing, so chat lost every other line. Like, how did that happen?

And I log in alt, and his chat doesn’t work at all. And my game disconnects, x3 so far this morning, and x2 last night, because, well, Xbox. I hope everything works during GW next week. I doubt it.

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Now it isn’t working on Android

EDIT: working now…

Chat is down on the Switch. Was working for a little while yesterday

Chat is down on PC/Steam, again

Come on Gow… chat down? 2 whole days… thats not fun anymore

Noob’s work …

Broken on PC/Steam right now. Please revert your work!

Tower of (Chat) Down Week.

Find a doom to keep chat working for 30 seconds. Best endorsement for discord ever!

Me thinks the servers are being overloaded this week by the surge of people actually using global/guild chat due to the event. All be it’s not used as much outside of these 10 weeks. In regards to this week though…

It easily… Should of been predicted since the event is designed to use Guild chat to map floors and communicate with another.