Invasions: Feedback and suggestions

I would like it if these invasions/raids were tied to our Guild War bracket. My idea is that you would compete against the guilds in your current bracket.

You would still get the individual rewards for completing stages but your overall progress would be used to
award your place in your bracket.

I think it would get more people to contribute if these games were incorporated into our Guild war standings. The guild I am in has outstanding Guild War attendance but we fall a bit to the wayside with these raids and invasions. I think this would make participating more desirable.


Once you get to 4 towers the invulnerable + the constant barriers make this mode infuriating and most importantly NOT FUN.


No April fools jokes here, this is really the new game modes and actually supposed to be fun!

I wish this bad joke was over already.

If the Invasion event feels like a chore, it would be interesting to discuss with your guild about this matter and find out what number of towers destroyed would be acceptable for each member. If your guild doesn’t makes it a requirement then you don’t need to play it.

I’m not saying that negative feedback about it should stop.

It’s important to hear how it feels for everyone, and i’m just suggesting an approach to work out with your guild the priorities of each member in order to reduce any burnout that players might feel from playing a gamemode that is boring to them. Also, in theory if less and less players engage into the events it’s also a strong indicative for the devs.

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Xbox One:
1st: 1,350 Towers defeated
2nd:1,027 Towers defeated
3rd: 850 Towers defeated
4th: 492 Towers defeated

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I think they should drop the invulnerable trait in both raids and invasions. It really is what makes these modes NOT FUN. I mean even some of the specific new troops for raid/invasion actually have abilities that are pointless like the current Ironbark entangling random enemy. Change invulnerable to a single immunity only. One that makes sense like Blast towers immune to stun, Fiery Zuul immune to fire etc.


I actually have fun with invasion this week, intentionally buying up to Tier VI to help my guild finish all 12 stages. I think I’m starting to form a strong plan that work well every Invasions now.

About the Learderboard, I think the numbers is settled for now. 100 people is big enough pool that it’s possible to be in second half of leaderboard by just buying Tier VI and play relatively well, or Tier V with almost perfect play. If you think about buying Tiers not for only sigils, but rare stuffs (Fully Mythic-ed card for kingdom level, extra arcance/celestial stones, diamonds - last Tier is basically buying glorify event/gem keys), those extra 75 gems and a orb of chaos is totally worth it on top of all 12 guild rewards.

About the gameplay, less immunity is preferable for more fun experience. Now it’s fun only as extreme skull-planning board control. The Siegebreaker seems to be designed to work at full force only at stage 1-7 where they are still normal troops, extra statues effect is totally wasted on stage 8. Some selective immunity like @Razzagor suggested would work really well.

As for the team plan. My team that finish all 65 level of stage 8 is Ironbark/Infernus/Titan-Anvil of might/Hyndla Frostcrown. For other Invasion week, Siegebreaker and Anvil combo (extra 3x-5x skull damage will stack pretty fast when buffed) will still work nicely. Could be changed to Hammer of Uskaya (for Enrage Siegebreaker to destroy Blue Tower and faster game) if there is attack-buffing troops possible (like Fenrir in last Beast Invasion), or Mang for another team carrier. It’s strange consider all 3 of this weapon is Red/Brown…


Suggesting to add trophies or better rewards will not fix the modes being boring and dull (recurring words seen in this thread). I’m still going to hate doing raids even if I get trophies and I fall in the category where I have limited playing time so usually my guild contribution ratio takes a hit for 2 weeks every month.

The events start off not too bad but once you hit the last stage, it is like pulling teeth. Everybody in the guild is cranky and annoyed before the weekend rolls around (and who doesn’t like weekends?!?!).


Considering Invulnerability to everything and Towers.

Perhaps every Tower type should have ONE single vulnerability that is different for each type of Tower. So before each battle you could scout the towers and see if there are two “Mage” towers and change your team slightly to take advantage of that towers specific vulnerability.

As it is now, You use the exact same team again and again, as there is no reason to alter it.


Tower shouldn’t be invulnerable to the Siegrbrraker troop ability of that specific week that’s for sure.

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