Invasion (Maugrim Woods)

Having said this, I’m having as much success with wolf knight as with anything else. (My Wulfric is not traited, so he’s no good in 1st spot.)

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How much hp do towers have?
Might switch to Wulfric once they leave two shot combo range (32 x 3 + 20 = 116 hp).

I don’t remember, sorry I have no sigils left for now

@netwizard, assuming the number next to the little crown thing is the tower level, i’m at tower level 102 and the tower hp is ranging from 106 (Bastion Tower) to 113 (Storm Tower). The other towers are Catapult at 112 and Crossbow at 107.

Hope this helps you gauge when (if?) you switch out.

Edit: Tower level 103: Catapult, Mage 113; Crossbow 108, Bastion 107
Last one :smiley: Tower level 104: Blast 113, Mage 114, Storm 115, 2nd Mage 114

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