Instead of LTs what about

Old LT’s (3.0.5):
Type | Table 1 | Table 2 | Table 3

  • | - | - | -
    Gems | 20% for 25 | 10% for 35 | 10% for 60
    Glory | 10% for 100 | 10% for 300 | 10% for 500
    GloryKeys | 20% for 10 | 20% for 15 | 10% for 25
    GemKeys | 20% for 2 | 20% for 4 | 30% for 6
    EventKeys | 10% for 2 | 10% for 2 | 20% for 4
    MinorRune | 5% for 20 | 10% for 30 | n/a
    RunicRune | 5% for 5 | 10% for 8 | n/a
    ArcaneRune | 5% for 2 | 5% for 4 | 10% for 6
    LegendaryTroop | n/a | n/a | 9.5% for 1
    MythicTroop | n/a | n/a | 0.5% for 1

New LT’s (3.1.0):
Type | Table 1 | Table 2 | Table 3

  • | - | - | -
    Glory | 10% for 100 | 10% for 100 | 10% for 750
    GloryKeys | 30% for 4 | 30% for 4 | 10% for 50
    GemKeys | 40% for 1 | 40% for 1 | 30% for 8
    EventKeys | 10% for 1 | 10% for 1 | 20% for 4
    RunicRune | 5% for 5 | 5% for 5 | n/a
    ArcaneRune | 5% for 1 | 5% for 1 | 20% for 6
    LegendaryTroop | n/a | n/a | 9.5% for 1
    MythicTroop | n/a | n/a | 0.5% for 1

As for what you would expect from 3.9 LT’s on average (not quite sure what the 3.9 is or how it was calculated?), it would be:
Type | Expectation

  • | -:
    EventKeys | 4.15
    GemKeys | 11.45
    RunicRune | 3.11
    GloryKeys | 29.27
    LegendaryTroop | 0.37
    MythicTroop | 0.02
    Glory | 402.23
    ArcaneRune | 5.20

And for completeness, here’s a corrected analysis of my earlier post/calculations with the last table selected first:

With LT’s the expectation is a mythic every 200 times. In a full guild of 30 members, that translates to 6.67 million gold each. Spent on gold chests, that would open 22,222 chests, for an expectation of about 333 gems. Used on VIP chests, which have the best mythic drop rate, it would open almost 7 chests giving you a less than 7% likelihood of pulling a mythic. So just on mythic probability, LT’s are about 15x better (at the cost of not being able to target a specific/new one).