Ideas to help the devs make money!

Alternative visual for troops :slight_smile: .


“Pay 5$ to have any Manticore teams filtered out of your pvp target suggestions” <— though with this feature they’d get rich so fast, they’d just abandon GoW and move to some nice place.

Why bother? Just make all-resources-packs available for $$. Same result, cutting unnecessary steps in the middle.
VIP is a variation of your idea already, but as far as I know it boosts only gold/souls, rather than everything?

I still believe Mythics should be sold in the $ packs 1,5-2 months after they get released. People who pay for them get them late enough to not call it game-breaking by those who spent keys/gems/whatever to get them right after the release, but it’d allow those with bad RNG (or those with OCD to have everything) to get them too, if they’re willing to pay.

Yeah ignore the actual topic-related suggestion and complain about the first line of the post. /clap
also “not appropriate” … your joke did make me laugh, thanks.

Yes we get the manticore joke but it’s neither appropriate or funny.

I like alternative visuals, though Sirrian wasn’t happy with the low selling bunny ears and dwarf. it was mostly end game players spending to tip the team.
I think though it’s worth another look.

These packs seems to be uncompleted because you have only one sex for each of them. And so, maybe players don’t want to pay for an uncompleted pack…
Moreover, all the tunings of the Hero concern the… Hero only. So if you don’t use him/her, it’s meaningless.

When I talked about alternative visuals, it’s more about a new picture for one specific troop. Not only some tuning that you apply on the base picture. For example, “Unshaved Apothecary”, “Christmas Queen Mab”, and so on :slight_smile: .

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Cut the prices in half…seriously. $50 for one legendary and resources are a joke, all of them are higher than most people want to pay. The $4.99 packs are the best value. Make trait stones available all the time or rotate by color everyday. I think people would splurge on the instant gratification. Don’t throw 20 extra things people aren’t looking for just to make it a “better” deal. Example: I need red minors, not minors of every color. $5 for 30 red minors would probable have me dropping the $ to get what I need.



I’d easily splurge on a few 5$ traitstone packs a week if they were targeted. I’d especially pay for any runic, any arcane and red minors. I absolutely despise grinding in explore mode. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy the stones I need for kingdom leveling if the price was right.

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Monday - 30 Red
Tuesday - 30 Green
Wednesday - 30 Yellow
Thursday - 30 Brown
Friday - 30 Purple
Saturday - 30 Blue
Sunday - 6 of each



This seems a sensible idea, wonder what the devs make of it… May be some technical problem with the shop content cycling every day, mind…

Not sure if it would be too much to ask, but i’d throw a random Arcane of any combination of these colors.
Monday = 30 Red and one random Arcane. (Blood, Beast…)
And one Celestial Traitstone on Sunday.

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I was wondering where you saw that?

I kind of figured the Awatar packs would be a slow sell, but I figured the bunny ears would sell quite well over a couple months, and I just don’t think the Dwarf will sell.

The only thing I thought that might make the Avatar packs jump out for lower level players is to include a whole batch of fix cards of the same race. We only have the Dwarf troops, but if for the $10, you got 1 of every dwarf in the game, it might get new players excited, along with some Dwarf Flavored Traitstones.

Treat the Avatar packs like those special beginner sale packs. Make them really good deals for players of all levels.


I have no idea how much it costs to commission art for a game, but what about combining some of these idea together?

Subscription + Alternative Art

So for $(10-20?) You could buy an alternative art pack for an entire Kingdom. They could even run a “special” discount when that Kingdom is first released or when it is the weekly Kingdom event. Because it is a “Subscription” you would receive the alt artwork as new troop are released for that particular Kingdom as appropriate.

Important points:

    • No power creep (Not PtW)
    • Makes slightly harder to identify troops at a glance (unless art only show for purchaser)
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I like it…I would think the developers would be trying to create more micro transactions. That’s how a lot of these types of games make $. I just think they put a higher value on the items than they are worth. Will they sell, yes. Would they sell more at a lower price point…I would think yes. Being in a high end guild and having access to VIP, I just don’t see anyone shelling out $100 for the gems to get enough gems for 50 VIP chests and not having guaranteed success to get what they want.

Ok, just some thing to consider:

Always having one color only available on one particular day per week limits availability of a few players who work/travel consistently.

If the Developers are “locked in” to the weekly schedule for some reason. They could just offer two “random” packs per week. Like when you rank up a level. In addition they could start this “Soon” as it follows there Store page offer model already in place.

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Sirrian mentioned art pack sales as disapointing once, but they may revisit it. Sales were mostly to end game players, and the art was more difficult than we thought so as to fit armor choices. Art packs also included bonus items.

Personally dwarf or bunny ears doesn’t appeal to me.

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That’s something I would buy.
Everything in the shop is overpriced imo. I’ve spent a lot of money on this game, but never felt having a good deal. Even the dragon amour, best deal in shop, is too expensive[quote=“Freakynation76, post:26, topic:15837”]
Example: I need red minors, not minors of every color. $5 for 30 red minors would probable have me dropping the $ to get what I need.
I would buy 50 for 5$, nice idea :slight_smile:

Sure it’s been mentioned before but I would spend money on specific Arcanes. Explore can be a mind numbing grind and I would be thrilled to spend $1 per Arcane to skip that process! Same with Runics.

A tldr rant.
For me the release of new troops every week just makes me feel like I’m getting farther and farther behind on traiting. You end up with so many troops to trait you never catch up.
Explore does Not relieve the back up. I spent hours a day grinding with not one arcane. Meanwhile there’s guild obligations which explore does not thing for.
Let me buy an arcane pack! Grinding gets old. You can get so focused on NOT being p2w you end up with unending grind. There has to points where a player starts to catch up and there isn’t.
Stopping the avatar packs at bunny ears and dwarves? How long did it take death knight to pay for itself or the game as a whole? Instant profits aren’t going to happen. It’s like going into the store and seeing 2 shirts. I see a lot of bunnie ears and dwarf packs in play.
Offer small things for a less then 10 that can be slipped into a budget.
Some smartasses are mocking because we ask for traitstone trading. Screw them. A player quits because of too much unrewarded grind, that effects the game economy as well. Grinding for glory to get the arcane /troop packs. Grinding for traitstones, trophies, etc. A player wants to feel like they’re getting somewhere.
Diamond packs, no. Over $200 to open 50 vip chests. Not on my budget. The sale? 10 diamonds more for $9.96. No
2 guild keys? I’m not exactly peeing myself in excitement.
Pc and mobile needs the weapons packs like the others. Buy? Heck yeah!
I want to spend on this game. I like the devs but give me something of value I need or love like the avatar packs.
Rant over


They sell Arcane Packs. $34.99, not in the shop every week.

I do agree that the number of Arcanes to trait some troops, vs how low the drop rate is, gets annoying. I just grind glory and try to stock up on stones when I can.

I have seen minor, major, and runic but never arcane on mobile. $35? *Gulp * a couple of dollars, maybe $5 I can squeeze in weekly. Many complain about micro transactions but it allows those of us on fixed incomes to buy a few useful or fun items. I saved up for the death knight armor over a couple of months.
With so many players coming and going it’s not going to break the economy of the game.