I seem to be stuck in bonestorm!

@Cyrup I feel what you are saying, I even thought that myself when the issue started for me. The game was crazy with skulls. literally nonstop. I wish I could have uploaded the video I tried to send as screenshots don’t do what was happening justice. As soon as I turned the holiday skulls of it was a huge difference. I got completely wiped in one turn with skulls only in one game. If you guys don’t see anything, at least we know now just to turn off holiday skulls and the issue stops.

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I have honestly no idea. I had no pet event today so far where I could check with the normal skulls, but I counted the skulls after every explode during dungeon today. The average amount of skulls seemed to be around 8-9, with numbers as a low as 6 and as high as 11 as the highest/lowest number.
Going from that, I would say it’s a combination - the skulls being more noticeable but seemingly around ~2 skulls on average more in my screenshotted matches. I also agree, however, that while two more is enough to get me skulled to death more often, it is not enough of an impact to be a real storm.
So while I still think there’s more skulls than normal in my screenshots (or at least permanently on the extreme number end of “normal”), it’s obviously not a storm.

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