I like playing GoW with scripts

I think it would be hard to immediately detect how it might negatively impact others, unless you were placing on leaderboards and preventing others from claiming those rewards, which I don’t think was the case from your post. Ultimately, I think it’s linked to this statement:

If the game remained exactly as it is, but with legalised (and widely available) scripting, I think GoW would in fact lose a big chuck of income. Many of the purchases and advertising strategies in-game are focused on being able to accelerate progress, which would become unnecessary and redundant with scripting. Deathknight Armor, Ring of Wonder, Growth Packs, Path to Glory, Flash Offers - to name but a few.

This in turn would affect the developers’ ability to continue to support, update and create new content for GoW. All the while, more and more players would continue to use up server resources, made even worse by scripting. This would make the game less enjoyable for other people.

One alternative could be for the game to adapt its financial model to suit the legalisation of scripting - however this change in itself would cost a lot for no perceivable financial gain.

I’m all for ideas, and I find the same parts of the game fun! But essentially, I don’t think things happen in a vacuum, and it’s the developers/everyone else that would be footing the bills for the ‘increase of [your/other scripters’] joy’.


Funniest thread title to see on the forums, btw :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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Great reply thanks, really enjoyed reading it!

I think I underestimated the possible effects of legalized scripting on this game’s income.
Especially if it would be encouraged on the forum and made widely available.

Time for me to stop using bots for GoW and play it regularly (it’s way too addictive to stop playing). I’ve got enough spare time to grind up to where I was, even though it will take some effort.

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Yeah, I’m sure that I could’ve hit level 1000 in less than 20 days with that simple script. Because I only started using it day and night after a week and while that new Jester troop came out, I made the script lose every battle as soon as possible in explorer with only that level 1 Jester troop in my team to gain 400 gold per battle (not granting me the XP I would get when winning).

Is this the equivalent of Ben Johnson suggesting the Olympics should allow steroids…


to borrow the words of dev, “it’s not within the spirit of the game”

allowing scripts probably hard to regulate and monitor which one is allowed and not. it can create the air of negativity and affecting morale of players.

also like others have mention, if you can bot, then why would you spend money on the game when you can just “mining” the game instead.

Maybe the devs should sell official, permitted scripts :wink:

I’ll admit there is a part of me that would love to write a script to play Treasure Hunt. The challenge of writing something to find matches that maximize turns played, another for max rewards per key (might be that combining multiple red chests reduced total rewards), and another for max rewards per unit time.

I haven’t, and I won’t, but the mental challenge would be vastly more interesting than actually Playing treasure hunt as is.

This can’t be real.
Activates a @Lyya

I’d say let it ride, but perhaps we should at least gets a devs scripted response on this.


The reality is that this might not affect other players negatively, on it’s face, but there’s something you don’t appear to understand about the game. The game’s economy is not a free for all, and it’s tightly controlled. Let’s say you get for bots to do 100 million a week. That’s a whole lot of keys and other troops and resources that you and your guild mates have gotten, and a ton of resources that were not earned, and would’ve had to be earned through the tedium you seek to avoid. That tedium, and the snails pace that rewards are legitimately earned at, are how the developers get you to spend money; frustration in the face of being uncompetitive in a player pool of people who have been playing for years to get there. You might not be affecting other players directly, but you’re literally taking money out of their (the developer and publisher) pockets.

There is one way that you do impact other players. When the devs see too many rewards going out, and their mandatory pay-or-crawl progression formula is not working, they make the game less rewarding, for everyone; because the balance of the economy is less tilted in their favor. This is how free-to-play games work.

I 100% feel your pain, but the pain is mandatory.


I’m glad someone else explained why an explore script is actually a negative impact on others, and I’ll explain why it’s too much of a positive impact on a single player:
With explore being something that is not gated, that is, there is no limit to how many times you can play it in a day, the amount of gold you can take in is massive. Say a player puts all that gold into gold keys You would get loads of residual gems from that. It’s absolutely an unfair advantage.

The grind is literally the point of this entire game. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Some players tend to gravitate toward that (I was a woodcutting fiend in Runescape…not a very exciting task), but if that’s not what someone is into, this isn’t the game for them.

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Yeah, my one criteria for cheating is, “Does it gain a player something they couldn’t get normally?”

A script does that. Even if you only run it while you’d normally be playing the game, you can do something else while playing the game. You couldn’t do that without the script. I mean, I usually have something on TV when I’m playing GoW, but in this case you could play a different game while scripting GoW.

The more dishonest use case lets you play for 24 hours, 7 days a week. That’s definitely outside the realm of possibility. I’m not going to try to define what a reasonable upper cap is, but it’s not 24 hours.

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I was summoned. I’m not an IP2 spokesperson so assume this is an unofficial response, but: if the devs wanted you to be able to automate the gameplay, they’d have added an “auto” button by now. No, scripting the game has always been and will likely always be against the rules; if you want to play, do your time like everyone else does.


Not to forget running scripting in treasure maps…
One script in explores for 12 hours, another script in treasure maps the other 12 hours…

That’s like infinite gems. Infinite troops (aka infinite souls by disenchanting). Infinite traitstones (aka power level 15 kingdoms in like 1 week). Etc.

What kind of scripting tools you were using, if I may ask.

They asked, suspiciously.

actually its hurting the devs because you’re doing something that most people would have to pay money to have…Its also hurting the other players who play without scripts that would try to compete with you in PVP, or other events.

Sorry for not replying to this yesterday, I was flooded with other forum topics and work! I’ll give you a quick one now.

Scripting is not permitted ion Gems of War, and will likely incur a ban. Once banned, a player is welcome to start a new account, provided they do not cheat again. If they do, that account will also be banned.

Scripts are against the spirit of the game, and allow a player to access nearly infinite resources. This isn’t fair to the players who actively play the game to earn them, which is how Gems of War is intended to be played.

If someone wants a game that they can sit down and come back too, and have mined resources, there are games out there made for that! Idle games are a huge thing, and have different systems of game-play. They are also a great alternative to something like Gems of War, as they do not need to be actively played.

I hope this clears things up. :slight_smile:


I admire the fact that the OP has openly admitted to being a cheat. Other than that - see you after the banhammer drops.