I got 99 problems...but having all the pets ain't one

I think it’d be too much of a stretch to make the “tsunderewryan” joke now but I just did it anyway.

I guess you can predict what I’m going to say - this thread has run its course, and it will now be closed. But also, you guys are crazy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Celebrate each others achievements. Discuss better ways to do things. Act maturely when given the opportunity to do so and be nice to each other, at least once in awhile - you’re only still here because there are other people who are equally passionate about the game. Congratulations @awryan on unlocking all existing pets and to all others who did, that’s a seriously good achievement.

:rabbit: :confetti_ball:

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Also @DEMONorANGEL YouTube left me a great suggestion after watching your video… Carl Sagan ftw :joy: :thinking:

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