I can make your Maw-Maw CRY in under 2 min :P

For what it’s worth, I find Sheggra to be quite usable still. She was unbalanced before the change, insofar as you didn’t even have to look at the board when she was charged. Made fighting agaisnt her quite annoying, as well.

It’s funny that you should mention Infernal King as a replacement for Sheggra, when I actually find the two troops compliment one another very well. Infernal King sets up a board full of red and skulls, and Sheggra translates that into gigantic pain-o’clock.


Sheggra wasn’t as powerful as you say. You’d get burned more often than not if you casted blindly.

Sheggra’s power now is about average for a Rare. Without Hellcat (3+ months away on Console) Sheggra is beyond useless now. I’d use pretty much ANY Red/Brown Troop over Sheggra now.

I don’t agree, but to each their own. Maw / Infernal King / Mercy / Sheggra is one of the most efficient offences in the game.

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(10 characters)

Substitute Maw for something else with high attack and you’ve still got a very formidable team.

I’d have to substitute 3 of those Troops as they don’t exist on Console yet

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On Console we have no Drifting Sands (might be next week), no Blighted Lands (4-6 weeks away) and no Hellcat (take away Hellcat/Creeper, Console is 22 Weekly Troops behind PC)

Hey, fair enough.

Perhaps Sheggra was nerfed prematurely for console. That said, if she hadn’t been changed, she’d be creating something like 19 skulls for me now at my current magic level – which we can all agree would be absurd.


You’re right about them complementing each other now. But to see Sheggra nerfed, and she already only had an extra turn when reds formed to skulls to give a match-4. It was broken, cause it was far too often that you get that extra turn - so I’m all for the nerf.

But to introduce IK just after Sheggra’s nerf, who - as I said - gets an extra turn on greens to skulls and/or on browns to reds, thus getting an extra turn about (wildly guessing) 5 times as often - and guaranteed, cause there’s no randomness to it… is plainly moronic. How is this not as much overpowered as Sheggra pre-nerf?

You can argue if Sheggra was broken or not… I give you that. But nerfing her and adding a troop that does the exact same thing… only better. How is this a wise decision?

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Infernal King doesn’t do the same thing Sheggra does. Sheggra also creates extra skulls, which on the face of it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it makes the troop at once a sure thing (if you have a group of 4 reds and skulls) and a gamble (if you don’t). Infernal King is entirely deterministic. You get an extra set of colors to match, but there’s no potential for serendipitous extra luck. What you see is what you get.

Sheggra is more closely mirrored by Green Slime at this point than Infernal King. Minus the pain (in skulls), the two do similar things. That’d make Sheggra at least Epic. And since Sheggra plays with skulls, that’s arguably still enough to justify Legendary status.


Although I agree with most of what you said - especially the “what you see is what you get”-part of IK vs. the power of Sheggra to create skulls out of thin air - I still think that they more or less do the same thing in the end.

So lets agree to disagree here =)

Works for me. :slight_smile:

One last point though before I go - Sheggra has a total mana cost of 14, versus Infernal King’s 18. Those 4 mana are nothing to sneeze at in practice. The developers seem to agree that the utility of IK’s spell outweighs Sheggra’s, and have costed both accordingly.

Good point.

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For the same reason that Sheggra is luck-based and IK is reason-based…

I leave Sheggra in Defense because the AI that runs the team tends to be lucky SOB…
I use IK as invade team and out of Defense lineup because the AI that runs the team tends to be dumb SOB…


At a fixed 6 Gems created Sheggra is as “powerful” as a Rare. Hell, half the Commons are stronger. Sheggra was definitely nerfed prematurely on Console.

As for Infernal King, nobody mentioned his resurrection Trait to go along with his Spell. Makes his 18 Mana compared to Sheggra’s 14 a huge disparity.

6 skulls, plus a converter. Again, see Green Slime - unless you are arguing that Green Slime is also underpowered for an Epic.

Thanks for featuring me in your 2nd clip I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Any opinion about the order of Bone Dragon and the Great Maw?

  • Bone dragon followed by the Great Maw
  • The Great Maw followed by Bone Dragon
  • Double Great Maw instead of Bone Dragon?
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Making colours is not the same as Skulls. Nothing converts Skulls, so you can’t loop with Sheggra but Green Slime is one of the best loopers.

Green Slime has Nature Link and also self-buffs.

Sheggra has the worst 3rd Trait for a Legendary, basically defeats the purpose of having a “Legendary Trait”

So no, I don’t consider Green Slime underpowered at all. If you use Green Slime as a baseline for an Epic’s “strength”, then my point stands, Sheggra is as powerful as a Rare.

However, we established why this is. On Console, Sheggra got nerfed prematurely because all of her complimentary Troops aren’t out yet. Once they are, then Sheggra will be viable again

How about no Great Maw?

Drop the crutch and walk on your own

I used to run a very different defense team without the Great maw. Turns out It caused me get matched to different ranked opponents that gave me less ranking points for a win (< 30 points).
So I switched to exactly my brother’s build and that solved the problem (45+ points for a win).

But thanks for your feedback I guess.