Hey guys!
Recently, I have been playing Gems of War for a while now and really enjoy the game. Lately, I have been trying to improve my performance in PvP, but I am having trouble building a team that can consistently win against tougher opponents.
Can you share some tips or strategies on how to build a competitive PvP team? Specifically, Iām looking for advice on:
- Choosing the right mix of troops and their roles.
- Effective use of weapons and spells.
- Synergizing traits and abilities for maximum impact.
- Countering common PvP team setups.
I also check this resource: Guide - Unbeatable team at level 500, no mystics Delves, PvP developer and everythingelseqlik-developer But I have not any found any solution.
Thanks in advance!
Respected community member
Ali Ambere