How much dollars for the VIP > 10?

I’ve spent over $1,400 on Rockband DLC alone over a 7 year span. That doesn’t include the games from 1 to 4, or a set of Ion drums that I can only use with the 360, either. I spend money on games. I spent 55 for cool armor in Gems. Both of these games can and will get my money because I love them. Gems may indeed manage to get a grand out of me over 7 years.


The most applicable comparison would be other games.

That would be my alternative spending anyways. You can buy a whole new top of the line computer for 2,000 dollars which could allow you to play 4K resolution gaming, where games have more content for significantly less money.

Anyways, there’s no arguing that this game sucks up a lot of money and is not for the poor. I was just saying that for myself personally I’d know it’s time to stop spending if I reached that mark because that’s an insane amount of money for me. That’s like my entire entertainment fund for years! Money is better dedicated to life stuff for me :slight_smile:

Also note that if you play the game for many years, like 7 as one person pointed out, that money will definitely add up. But if you only play the game for like a year or two that’s a lot of money.

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Comparing a game to a movie ticket is not really fair. The best comparison here is probably a subscription MMO. My budget for what I’m willing to spend on this game is the same as any what I would on a paid subscription game, as I would have a MMO (timesinks of unrivaled proportions) a while back - roughly $15 per month, and a bit more per large content update (“expansion”). The most difficult thing is actually finding something I can justify buying just so the devs can get the money they deserve, without feeling like I’m either caving to buy something that is purposely set to be unrealistically difficult to obtain, or just throwing my money away at something easy to obtain. It either feels like I’m buying cheats or gambling. But thats just a problem with the free-to-play model in general.

Still holding out hope for a direct subscription service with reward mutlipliers on stuff that matters, but I highly doubt it will happen. It would make it much easier for me to put my money into the game, though.


Vip 11-15 is super expensive,because they know,that BlackRhino will pay for it anyway,so they can suck a lot of money out of him.