How many players lost with the 8.0 update

My guild lost 3 members and a 4th announced to be leaving because they had enough.
More might follow.
I am in TLK, The Lost Kingdom.

Update 8.0 looks like the straw that broke the camel’s back.
It gets massive negative feedback.

I personally hate the direction this game took.
Other threads have pointed out very thorougly what is wrong with this update and why the community hates it so much. So I am not going in to that here.

My question here:
How many players did your guild lose over this update?


I’ve already seen the new Immortal troop at level 20, so there are people spending.
They just want your money, it doesn’t matter if there are 4 players left, the important thing is that they spend the money. Now @kafka has also invented the excuse that they are not able to insert more mythics into the forge cycle.
If the programmers are not capable, fire them, but we know very well that you are fine with this situation.
They don’t even change the incorrect text of the translations, despite taking a few seconds, they don’t fix spell bugs, they don’t listen to players, and you know why? because it doesn’t bring money.
Do you remember the false interest they had as soon as the war was canceled, where they asked players for suggestions? It was just stalling while waiting for this horrendous PvP to come out.
I do NOT support the game in a small way and I do NOT buy anything at all until they do something for talented players.
I also invite every other player who cares about the game NOT to support this opprobrium.


pvp is only part of the game and does not affect the core of the game. be honest, this part is optional. maybe those leaving don’t like the direction the game is going with each update. so update 8.0 is a great test. if the public likes it, those who remain, we will receive even more ‘fun’ updates :crazy_face:


If we don’t talk about the huge amount of bugs or the exclusive mythic in the PvP shop, this update actually is very well received within my guild. :thinking:

Yes, we’re losing lots of trophies compared to other game modes. But on the other hand we also gain a lot. I myself got 10 mythics (aka Immortals) in one day, which pushed my kingdoms much more than anything else over the last few weeks. And I already have more VP than last week after 1 day.

I wouldn’t mind if this PvP campaign would get extended, even if I had to sacrifice Guild Wars and Arena for it.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s still plenty of issues with it. But this update probably is the 2nd best update we got since 2017, next to pets introduced …


Wish I had gotten that lucky.

I got three and the rest was gold marks and icons.

Will be a matter of time before people to start complaining more about this latest roulette.


Cuando lleguen las guerras MONETIZADAS veremoa si tu comentario es el mismo. Una cosa es que te hagan gastar mas gemas otra es que te hagan gastar dinero REAL … p2W 100%

Gold Marks and Icons are extremely useful.

I got 4 books since the Update thanks to those Gold Marks, which is the most important resource currently for me. And those books helped me upgrading 2 kingdoms.

Icons add to your PvP campaign progress, which also helps you a lot. Especially if you got the campaign pass, which is totally worth it in my eyes (as I said: 10 Immortals, 2 Immortal pets, 1 Immortal weapon so far).

Guild Wars on the other hand always was P2W before. Whoever paid for the most gems had the best chances to win, since all teams always have been consisting of the same troops. At least in top brackets. So I don’t care if or how guild wars is coming back. We’re #2nd in leaderboards on Xbox, but don’t care about GWs very much. Never have, never will. Sorry …

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We lost 3 or 4 players. Now getting noobs in at lower level, before our guild is going down.

I have warned the devs about this for over a year now, but all was wasted.


Nosotros somos 1 en trofeos y 2 en guerras y aca si nos importa y que las guerras sea p2w es mentira jamas eh metido un solo centavo VIP0 3 años y medio jugando lvl 1675 … 6 reinos lvl30 que te hagan pagar por campañas o relanzamientos de reinos y tener cosas exclusivas por algun tiempo me parece bien pero pagar para avanzar en algo que competimos todos no es aceptable. Patetico y perdimos a uno de los mejores jugadores que hay en toda PS4/5 y seguro se perderan mas.

You must be extremely lucky and/or have paid for the season pass!

I only got 3 Immortals.

Interesting that you and your guild consider this the 2nd best update, I wonder how many people/guilds feel the same!

I find it strange that we can’t downvote anything on this forum, I would very much welcome a downvote options, perhaps that would give the devs a better idea how well this update is really received.

Since this is such a major game overhaul I would also very much like to see 2 threads opened by the devs, 1 about tell us what you like about this update and 1 to tell them what we dislike.
But I don’t see they have an actual interest in what we feel or want.

They did open a thread about GW awhile ago, but it didn’t feel like they were actually doing anything with the info gathered.

I personally love/hate GW, but I DO want it back!
GW always was the time we worked together as a guild and helped each other with team suggestions and strategies. All in all team effort was needed, now almost the whole game is about individual goals and gains.

I get it, to a point, that there are people who like this new things/features.

But my question was about how many players left over this update


Seems are guilds are in the same boat with the amount of players lost.

And it is near impossible to recruit new members


Optional when it’s the only way to get Immortals :roll_eyes:

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Yes, I bought the Campaign Pass. Yes, I was very lucky, now that I have all 11 Immortals. But also I put a lot of work into it. Currently I’m at tier 65 and 130.000 VP, so I can slow down on PvP now …

If we are counting Glaycia, then I also pulled 3. Otherwise, it was useless silver marks and icons.

Yeah, including her… :sweat_smile:

I can farm the VP.
20 gold marks I can get the next day (or the day after when there’s a break).

I can’t get that troops anywhere else.

So why would I want “useful” gold marks or icons when that sets me back at most a day?

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Count me in.

I was GM of Elbenwald a formerly high ranking (BR2-4) GW guild. I was in that guild for more than 4 years, i joined Gow ~ 5-6 years ago.
I did pay for several passes.

We had fun doing guild wars, we had a good guild community.

After month (years) of promising GW will come back and instead getting more and more single player grinding content hardly any of the guild spirit is there. Everyone is trying to cope with all the parts that “need to be done” each day.

  • dungeon, underspire,
  • Guild quest/journey/boss/ ToD,
  • daily whatever (this Foyx thing this week), Bounty, PvP
    many of the parts are not guild related, but solo grinding.
    Thankfully i don’t have to hunt for hoardmimic or dragonss anymore. thanks to the orbs of glory the need for nyshas is gone.
    On the other side it is not worth leveling kingdoms as there is no GK where a single point might make the difference. so i have a pile of 87 small, 50 normal and 73 “big orbs” of glory.

With the horrible drop ad cedric even gnom-a-palooza is an äquivalent to old people pressing buttons on slot machines at Vegas.

For me time has come to end this … i felt kind of forced to play hours each afternoon to get another couple of PvP points while loosing fun at it. I can’t ignore it, i “had to help the guild” as i just felt i need to do it.

Guild lost many active players in the last 6-9 month.

I have given up GM Role and will delete GoW end of week… i look forward to 3 hours more “me-time” or time with family


I think I can make my point of view, yet have quit.

I was a GL of one of the more prominent Guild War guilds on PC Mobile. Together with 3-4 guilds we held or still hold most of the guild war records. Black Dragon are the #1 Guild for GW on Pc Mobile and Anonymous have been with them for the most part as well, as have other top performers who know who they are.:sweat_smile: We still hold the record for B1 appearances since GW started.

In Anonymous I took on the chalice in June 2022 and our alliance has 12 guilds. More if you add retired guilds.

I can say that as an admin in that alliance, especially from April 2022 as a helper and then as as admin and guild leader I sank countless thousands of hours into the game and the alliance. Most of that occurred between April 2022 and Jan 2023, as due to efforts made management became less intensive.

Guild Wars in the top bracket requires a huge amount of work for guild leaders. It need a team of dedicated people to help with so many things 95% of the gems of war population wouldn’t know about.

Once you’ve got the basics set, the work lessens, except recruiting players. Recruiting players is exceptionally challenging and recruiting people within alliances who are guild war interested, invested and ultimately decent players is another huge challenge. Fighting other B1 guilds is also an issue with less players around. Add that to fighting in game mechanics that have become chores for a lot, makes having the right balance to playing paramount.

However what is great is the community spirit, team work, the meeting of people from all round the world, the chatting to them about life, just about anything and then the challenge of playing on steams or recording for review etc. Wanting to win but being satisfied with a team doing their best wrapped around life and all the other things that are way more important.

I’m no quitter. I loved my role and all the hundreds of players I came across by and large. I had a fab group of people in our leadership and inner guild leadership, and some absolutely superb players.

I invested a lot of money and effort, probably only a few can attest to in the game in relation to ancillary effort. I’m thinking of a couple but I would suggest with the dynamics of AG, my input has been off the scale to make Gems better for most who came our way.

Gems devs have no idea of the problem that was when they bust guild wars. It destroyed an entire community and with it, the fighting spirit of many guilds and alliances. Even the most anti or ambivalent to Guild Wars people have told me that the lack of the wider community engagement once per month, has done most of the damage to people leaving.

Fighting all the changes over the years before this was a true test, see another thread I posted a while back, made even worse with design decisions over the years to extract as much money as possible vs continued targets.

One only has to read the Digital Brothers account reports, not the financials to show how developers are pushed to increase, even when hitting off the charts gains in gross revenue.

There are people completely addicted to the nature of the game who may never stop. If you turned all the graphics off and it was 6 colours in black and white on screen, they’d still play and some would still pay.

From my point of view I’d never of quit a year ago, but after the way the dragons were handled, then the sentinels, journey and the increase in gem costs, against a backdrop of none existent feedback response, non existent QoL and bug fixes vs added monetisation, capped by the just absolutely pathetic way blowing guild wars up happened and the gas lighting since.

I don’t care about collections or weapons, sentinels or much, other than ‘ was it guild wars viable’. So I’m not on the hook like some for collecting or awards etc. However it’s to me, and someone who loved gems of war, it’s abhorrent to continue playing with the game like it is.

To continue playing shows I can stand for all the decisions made and despite all the investment made, no just no longer, when simple fixes and bug repairs would if they went in hand with monetisation, make a lot of players continue to pay. If you’d fixed bugs properly instead of making excuses or going silent, you’d probably have 20% more players, potentially customers.

So @kafka if you are truly curious. In game community on top of an addictive game (already mentioned by others, in particular I resonate with what @TheIdleOne has said about playing and mechanics) makes Gems pretty good.

The effect of disinterest over profit is too real for too many. Balance the way you do things, you’d get more interest. The boom and bust strategy only heads in one direction.

Anyway if you need any consulting on player interest feel free to pass on to your devs….


After 7+ years, VIP 18 and hero level 3001, I’m going to retire from GOW effective tomorrow. This game is no longer fun with too many passes and too much emphasis on PVP for getting new troops, weapons, pets and deed books, not to mention that even just keeping up with all dailies and events is very time consuming these days.

I’ve made lots of friends over the years in this game, and that’s the main reason why I’ve played as long as I did despite the vast majority of updates over the past few years being bad updates. But this game has gotten so unenjoyable that not even a wonderful community can keep me playing GOW any longer, so I’m out.


Bit of a double standard here in that my post which was pretty much identical to yours got a) removed. B) got me an official written warning from the forum mods and C) got me a month ban

Be careful