How many players lost with the 8.0 update

If we’re losing players that have spent that much and put the time in to get to 3k i would be worried. Take note devs before the game goes down the pan


We’ve always been full, now we’re down to 27 with 24 different active members, one alt, one zzzz, one who has been absent for a week…

We just lost a player 1 week ago and 1 this Sunday, and 1 I had to kick last week.

Very sad state of the game.

We also don’t finish any events anymore…

My old guild on PS which is in the top 5 (and #1 in GW) lost approx 15 members. about half of those VIP 10+. Average length of play was about 5 years easily. And all level 1500 plus with 2 over level 2000.


I play on Xbox and if I didn’t participate in xbox/microsoft rewards, and use those points to get the passes here, I’m sure I would have been able to quit the game long ago. So many passes and RNG to get all the troops make it so hard to stay, but I bet most of us that do, do so out of addiction to the game, not enjoyment. From Shark Tank to MADD to Avengers family, Madd Daddy Shark plays way less then he used to.

That being said, I’m still here. But I’m sad to see Cane go, and the other major players and streamers before him. It won’t be too long before I finally allow myself to give up too. If I hadn’t gotten lucky with dragon eggs and was still hunting for them and the hoard mimic in addition to these guardians in underspire I haven’t seen in months, while still getting minor traitstones and silver marks, and arena weekends and treasure maps and barely enough deeds to level up a few of my 20+ kingdoms blocked at level 26…

I don’t have a solution, but to quote a famous sheepherder, “I wish I knew how to quit you.”

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