How long we should wait for Wisp nerf?

I strongly support this thread and the nerf of Wisp troop.

It clearly is overpacked with tools. And it’s not okay.
I understand some people want the game to be unbalanced - but I don’t.

Just because the troop can occasionally or eventually run out of HP doesn’t mean “there’s nothing wrong with it.”
The package it comes with makes the troop over the board with everything it has. Can start on turn 2 (or 1), makes a lot of mess with dispel, making Barrier useless - also removing enchant or enrage.
And it is stealthy, just to add. So almost every single counter to that troop is out.

The only thing it lacks is impervious, really.
It starts with a lot of mana, it cannot be targeted, deals a lot of damage, and dispels, and supports looping. Yes - that is a lot for one troop that is far from even Legendary rarity (it’s not even epic…).


Saying people who dont want wisp nerfed want the game to be “unbalanced” is just as disingenuous most of everything else you say.

Never once have i said i want the game “unbalanced” and i dont think wisp should be nerfed. You sir have a tendency to twist words and assign claims to people they have never made.

Now i know i am fighting a losing battle here and this is not the hill i choose to die on so i will leave it at this.

This game is incredibly easy. It frustrates me that whenever TSC wants a card nerfed they get it. Devs please stop the nerfs!

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… I know this has been happening almost daily.

But would you mind not taking everything I say personally?
By some people - I’m referring mostly to supports of perfect imbalance. And there are lots of those. Most developers tend to sway that way.

Back on track, though - if you believe wisp is okay:
Would you mind elaborating?
When compared to other troops - how on the same line Wisp is?
For the power of the ability it has - how easily it is countered - compared to other troops?

Most of the supporters of the nerf have offered explanations on why the troops is more powerful than other troops. Could you explain why do you believe Wisp is in line with other troops? Beating a troop has nothing to do with being overpowered. Overpowered = more powerful than others. Which Wisp clearly is.


For me it look like justice took 12 months :slight_smile:


I didnt… I counterd your broad statement with an equally broad one then offered my personal opinion on your statement.

I have done so already… Ad nauseum. I have no desire to repeat myself yet again. If you actually care what i have to say on the matter go find my posts about it and read those. Nothing has changed.

Really? Was it that long? How did you guys persist? That would have been so draining to deal with the same defense for 12 months.

It’s not just wisps that are broken. Trolls are as well. I really don’t understand what the devs were thinking with some of these design choices. The game is a shell of it’s former self. It’s not very enjoyable at the moment. Games are supposed to be a form of entertainment and relaxation. I know most matches are just a roll of the dice now, so I try not to get frustrated. But sometimes it’s tough. Fix the damn game already! We’ve lost way too many players to what one dev said was a “perceived issue”. That right there tells me they don’t even see it as a legitimate gripe within the community. It must just be recall bias as another dev said in response to my complaints long ago about console ai being terrible.


This does look like a personalizing.
Either way…

I’m afraid I do not see you mentioning any facts about how Wisp is powerful exactly the same way as other troops. I just do not see it. Everything you used as an argument was that you can slap it. Absolutely no comparison used.

Wisp IS overpowered. And if you feel that developers need to spend time on 250 troops while nerfing 3-4 would do - I’m afraid I’d still disagree. Because management doesn’t usually work that way.

Moreover - of the game is supposed to work with always creating more and more troops - I don’t want any more troops that win the game on turn 1. It’s not healthy.

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The enemy Cascades are just ludicrous now. It’s really bad. I try to stay positive about the game, but it’s difficult lately. I loved this game so much. What have they done to my precious gems of war!?! Please devs, fix this broken mess.


Oh, Please! I’m 100% in the top of people, who want this game to be harder. But making troops like Wisp not Healthy way to do this.
Don’t mix apples and oranges.


Have no fear everyone! I have already said i know i am fighting a losing battle and i grow weary of it. When TSC calls for a nerf they get it sooo…

I shall waste no more of my time on this discussion

Deserves my like here.

I think the real question here is when are we gonna get a nerf for skeleton?

Um…a year and a half ago!


We got the guild update on December 15, 2016 and it didn’t take long for what became known as the Justice League to take hold (since PC/Mobile had already discovered the team by then). I’m not exactly sure when the situation became an epidemic, but it was certainly no later than February. So I’d say about 7-9 months of suffering through that, though it certainly felt like a year.

Edit: Actually, we didn’t get Kraken until April, so the worst form of that team was only available for about 5 months.


Lol i mean nerfed further

That’s odd… I play on console and the earliest reports of Justice problems were around February considering it was just fixed more or less last month, that’s like 9 months Does Canada operate on a 18 months per year Calendar or something? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just Quebec. They need space for more union-mandated holidays.


Lol yes we all know that no holidays are celebrated all the way up in Alberta! Its waaaayy too cold lol


Note: I have not read full thread, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned.

My problem with Wisp is not that I can’t beat him, although I think Stealthy is a bit much, but rather that due to the Unity change and subsequent cascade difference which PC/Mobile has seen there are times, most usually during GW of course, where a 2x Wisp team will fill, both cast, cascade into a 5+red/purple both fill, both cast, fill up again, but pass the turn. And I am down to 3 or 2 troops on turn 2.

There is no intelligent AI involved here, there is simply an OP troop which is tailored to take ridiculous advantage of the RNG nature of this game. And that makes this troop definitively “UNFUN” in my book.