How gems of war is still on the wrong road

Thanks for giving me a “tongue-seizure” as i’m used to spell the words/sentences i read… :wink:

Ahem, regarding the topic…
I honestly applaud your commitment to the game @wskill and your new effort in bringing the discussion to a more civil and well appreciated tone. I believe that so far you are getting much more valuable input than you got in your previous attempts. Just as i believed; “Everyone is capable of making contributions, but sometimes, a poor apresentation can only bring poor responses.”
While my approval is not needed to validate anyone’s selfworth i still must give credit where and when it’s due.

Removing the defensive battles all together is a big step i believe, and if by chance this step is on the wrong direction it would cause a lot of harm… I suggested before weekly bans:

And it has the same concept of a “weekly rotation” like we have now with the events, but the event system has a positive incentive in form of percentual buffs, but still not working very well in some cases…

Nerfing troops still leaves us with some Meta that still creates boredom, introducing new troops that are as strong as, or stronger than, the current Tier 1 troops will degenerates even more the Meta, if they aren’t so good they feel quite underwhelming and won’t see much gameplay…

I believe the devs have their schedule quite full with the Guild’s War and if i would suggest their next step it should be positive rebalance/buff of more kingdoms and urging the EULA to allow some player’s suggestions to be used in the said positive rebalance/buffs of each kingdom. I believe this could rush the clock for more positive changes as well as renovating the player’s engagement with the game, the dev’s team and the forums as a whole. Some of those aspects are already great, but they can become even better. :slight_smile: