Platform, device version and operating system
xbox one
Screenshot or image
This is the video of it happening:!ApU0L5HNMAzFcgfHEiaouv0LnF0
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
The enemy unit Gar’Nok should have died, instead it lived.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
First time I’ve noticed it.
Steps to make it happen again
I haven’t tried to reproduce it. Perhaps it’s a unique combination of the hero weapon Mang vs the trait Orc Armor. This was during the final battle of round 1 in the current Warlord class event. Hero class was Titan with 6 talents.
The loss of armor is considered damage by the game, then Garnok gains 5 armor, then Mang deals damage (17) and he goes to 1 Life (he had 13 Life and 5 Armor) and then gains 5 armor again.