How can we balance the alliances?

After the first few hours of the alliances being active there’s a few things that seem very obvious that the game mode is broken.
First off you launched the update with only a few hours that were left before reset so not even everyone was able to play before the time ended.
Secondly most of the players on every platform decided to go purple (the dark order) and just throw the numbers off completely for easy wins.
Once players caight on in global their choice was obvious to go for a easy win.

So what can you guys think of doing @Kafka and @Jeto to even out these numbers and make it more fair to all?

Or should we all go one color and get easy wins?

It’s pointless if that’s the case.

Let’s all give some feedback and thoughts on all of this.
Maybe we can all figure out a great solution together.
Or plan B.
Bring back guild wars and scrap alliances all together.

Thanks for reading.


All I can say is I chose purple Dark Order long before I was aware of the awards issues…I chose it as it has a great name, color and banner.

Whatever you do do NOT put me in another Alliance with a terrible name, color and banner.

Unless you improve all the other names.

And yes there are players who care about things like name, color and banner. The fact that everyone joined the Dark Order proves this. Trust me they did not all realize it was the most powerful one when they joined, or what the benefits would be.

I asked several gamer friends who do not play GOW and know nothing about the game which name they would choose for a guild or Alliance, and every single one chose The Dark Order. So unless you come up with better names first of all, very few want to be in the other Alliances.

Secondly the reward system of rewarding the winning Alliance with a Bonus Gold Marks Day will drive everyone to the same Alliance…no idea how you can solve this - maybe put a cap on numbers? Once again I joined within the first hour, so don’t move me out.


I joined Dark Order in 2019 already, so naturally there was no other choice for me to pick …


Purple was promoted like crazy on Playstations global chat so after a few caught on it was a clear choice and a easy win.

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There’s no way to balance it because even if the participants were cut down to like 100 vs 100, there’s still variance in the points of each battle that cater to lower level players to score more CP.

There’s also the matter that even if its an even playing field, it just becomes which alliance is willing to spend more money on extra sigil battles…



Our guild preferred the mission statement of The Golden Forge, so we joined that alliance.


I wonder how much money did the devs make on day 1?

Coughs, pay to win again.

Why not have extra daily fights offered to buy with gems?


lol. I’m sure some people are going to try to justify that since the rewards from this mode can be gotten from other modes and that this mode is free to play a bit that this still isn’t pay to win :sweat_smile:


Gems can also be bought with money and why favor players with huge gem stashes (again).

using gems (bought or earned) doesn’t make you lose your money directly, thats why

By putting people into an alliance automatically, rather than letting them pick. People will hate that, ofc, but I can’t see anything else working.


Can we just stop and consider the question: “SHOULD we balance the alliances?” before we try to work out ways for the devs to force balancing on the alliances, most likely by moving players into alliances they don’t want to be in.
I picked purple because it had skulls and a cool name. I don’t want to change to another alliance, and even if everyone had picked another one, I’d have stuck with the one I picked, just as many players in the other alliances are sticking with the ones they picked, so the names and colours matter to many people.

As it stands, most players are in one alliance, and many more will quickly migrate to the same. Meaning, that alliance will win most, and all those players will get rewards. If we balance the alliances, then less players get rewards. So, while the devs might want them balanced, to give less rewards out, why should players want them balanced? It just means less rewards for us all, and possibly we’ll be among those who end up missing out on rewards we would have gotten.


it is balanced. Winning citadels lose the 20% skill bonus. Yesterday, I was 1 shotting everything in regular pvp frenzy battle and was winning matches in 10-20 secs. Without the bonus, I would win around 30-35 secs. Faster wins means more vp points for that week. I don’t know if the bonus implies with pvp def


Did everyone in dark order get gold marks yesterday? I didnt get a chance to join one til hours later and thought “i dont want to join the same one as everyone”. Saw a guildmate join golden forge and did that. Then i could see the totals and immediately thought, “well this is dumb”. Im still going to stick it out, but if im missing gold marks daily, the only resource i really need, thats disappointing.

Citadel Wars rewards don’t seem to be working yet, here’s one bug report about it:

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I joined Dark Order because I misread it, I thought it was " Dark Odour "


I guess it would be a bit more balanced if we just had to decide between light and dark + there should be a score multiplier based on the player base + the number of citadels, in a way even the most unpopular alliance have a chance to win a citadel now and then and not NEVER. The “the more the merrier” factor needs to be reduced. Of course you can hardly evade the situation that most of the top tier players joins the same alliance no matter what you do, but giving underdogs a big score boost could encourage players to join other alliances.

Until then i simply joined the dark order and look at the ressources i get from the winning side, i hope it outweight the 20% no citadel bonus, otherwise i maybe switch.

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Thank you all fpr your feedback and taking time to read this today.
I hope the devs come up with a great solution to solve this massive problem.

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Indeed, they put a lot of work in a new game mode and it seems ruined from day 1 by those purple demons. Admittedly, it has a built-in flaw.