Hero Class update hits consoles, bringing new content and plenty of bug fixes

Well, thanks for letting me know. I’ll check it out later. I sorta feel like i posted to FB without checking out snopes dot com first:D.

Ok so except for the daily task this is all great. I have a question, what was the change to frost giant? Also, you sneaked the change to the leader trait from +3 to +2 . Unrequired and quite a shitty move because those units can’t be refunded and the -1 to all stats makes it much less interesting

Leader wasn’t changed and if it was for you, it’s a bug.

Edit: I see the text changed, but the effect still adds 3 to all stats. Toss it up to another text error.

No, it’s not Xbox specific, but see the edited post above you.

I have a lady sepphira that got nerfed and I can’t figure out how to trade her back in? Don’t see anything in the troops menu to get my souls / traits tones back… what am I missing?

How did she get nerfed?

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Refound option is gone dont know why

Just an FYI, this is not working on the Xbox One.

What counts as a victory?

Oh? How so?

Could you capture a screenshot to show us what you’re seeing?

From the latest patch notes, I thought it was going to be like the PC with Glory displayed on the main screen.

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I’m being serious, I beat the quest, and have beat multiple quests and challenges since becoming a Mechanist…

What counts as a victory?

You have select “Change” to Mechanist for victories to count.

Any victory counts, Hero in team or not.

Thank you!

Can you switch perks for free?

Also, the third perk is for Team Bonuses, but it will never count for when a spell targets the Hero?

Switching Perks is free, switching Classes is free once every 24 hours.

Honestly don’t know about the 3rd Perks and Spells. It DOES specify Team Bonuses, nothing else.

it will count for team bonuses and spells in the future but we just got that fix so you guys will get it soon.

[quote=“UKresistance, post:84, topic:8998, full:true”]The key to good loot is join an active guild were everyone contributes ~50k gold a week. You can earn 100 gems and 120 glory keys a day through team effort.

Until they decide to finally regulate that too. Then what? Had they done that first with completing guild tasks or done it together with Tasks, then I would see it as a fair move. It would then just be a question of whether those on the PC/ Mobile end finally get tasks or not like we have had. That would have been very forward-thinking on their part.

Instead, they chose to do it backwards.

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I cannot find it either

It would be under Bundles or whatever the real cash money section is called.

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