Halloween Event: Lost Souls of Carmina

We did not have that? I am quite sure that one card troop (the fool maybe) was announced being in the chest in the news.

That looks cool but not on nintendo switch yet.

Does anyone know if Carmina’s Kitty will be available through Pet Gnomes after this event? Trying to figure out how much I want to buy in early, because of the daily cost increase.

If its anything like the 6.3 Update pets, I have no idea what “immediately” means.


It most likely also means a few weeks after the event already ended. This has been failed before and I have 0 confidence in it being fixed or this announcement being correct.

Wow, Carmina is a dope troop and she’s not even a Mythic, awsome :+1::muscle:t4::sunglasses:

I wanted to leave some feedback on this event because it’s rare that I genuinely enjoy events in this game. This event feels awesome! :slight_smile:

What I love most about it is that there’s no randomness, no “luck” needed, no excessive grinding, no battlecrasher hunting. You know ahead of time how many battles you need to do (no valraven guessing), you know the points per battle (albeit from forums). You can make an informed decision on buying extra sigils (or not) depending on what rewards you want. There’s no “SPEND! BUY!” pushes and the pressure to spend gems seems minimum/reasonable.

I love that you can pick your rewards, so different people can prioritize getting different items. I especially love that there’s a new armour to pick up, always awesome to see more hero customization options :mage:

The only thing I’d change is the daily sigils limit, would be nice for people to be able to play at their own pace, not everyone can play daily, especially over the holidays. At the same time though, it’s just three battles daily… so, not the worst?

Oh, and better communication, it would be nice/proper to include when/if event rewards will be available outside of the event in the event post and in the help article linked to the event (or better yet, in game itself). People should be able to know which rewards are “now or never” and which ones can be collected later.

But overall, really enjoying it, thanks for the addition :slight_smile:


Ok we’re in December and past November, why am I still seeing this when log in (PS4)?

If you’re going for the Nightmare before Christmas theme… ok sure fine, why not :person_shrugging:

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I just noticed that Carmina is available on chests: