Guild Wars Reforged: The future and beyond

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Hello Adventurers! With Gems of War Update 8.4 and the return of Guild Wars on the horizon, we wanted to share one final blog to get into the revamped Guild Wars Reforged, what’s in store for its future, and where we want to evolve it as the feature rolls out in its initial form. If…


That’s one of the main problems with the game now. I’m nearly a level 2,200 player, and it takes me about an hour to get through dailies, (citadel battles and collecting gold marks are included), and I don’t have the energy to test things anymore. Pvp feels like it’s chaining me down from doing other things, and Guild Wars will make this worse.

The whole landscape of Guild Wars will change with all of the new restrictions. Kingdoms are not properly balanced, and many times, we will be at a clear disadvantage that can only be seen if you play this game at the highest level. Battles could be decided even before they begin because of all of the powerful options that have been introduced from the time that Guild Wars was postponed.

Removing Wand of Stars and Stellarix is only the tip of the iceberg. When you think about the lack of empowered troops we can use, troops that have an effect when their turn begins, and other teams that can get a headstart before we can, there’s going to be some balancing issues that are going to be difficult to adjust. There’s no amount of gem matching or strategy we can do to save us from just plain bad luck or frustration.


Thats on the point!!! :100::+1:


Thanks for the flexibility and remaining open to feedback. And for letting us know that you’ve heard us, and that more stuff we asked for is in the pipeline. Awesome update - A+! One of these every quarter would go a very long way toward your goal of better ongoing communication between players and IP2.

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It’s great to know that this issue has been noted and is no longer only the players problem to make the time for everything. Hopefully you’ll come up with some great plan on how to kill many flies with less matcing gems. This gives hope to see a bit more RL in the future while still gemming.


A good start would be with PvP’s Monolith Sigils. Scrap the birds and give us the six sigils at daily refresh until we hit the soft cap of 10, or hard cap of 11. Once I’m done with the seasonal goal I stop trying to replenish my stock of sigils because I’m tired with having to frequently complete 30+ battles just to find three birds, as I have to do when working through the seasonal goals each day.


^^This 1 million percent. Just make monolith sigils act like daily delve sigils in the underworld, so that we don’t have to waste time with that nonsense. Sometimes, I will just keep retreating from battles until a Valhawk shows up because I just don’t care.


Love the transparency with design philosophy and plans for the future. Excited to play around with the new GW!


I started playing a different mobile game last year, when I started really winding down my GoW hours. It’s an idle gacha game, so fairly different, and it’s also much more P2W. That being said, it surprisingly respects players’ time despite those devs arguably being more greedy.

We’ve been getting QoL updates to reduce the time spent on dailies as they introduce new events :exploding_head:. It’s an auto-complete system for dailies and all players above a certain level have access. It isn’t even tied to any sort of VIP system. GoW could learn a thing from those types of games of the things they’re doing right, but it’s nice to see them recognize that it’s a problem.

I’m not optimistic about how GoW will approach this or how soon we’ll see it.


Could this also be expanded to just let you practice against one of your teams generally? For example, go to your Collections screen, click on a team, then click on a “Practice” or “Training” button located (somewhere TBD) and you get taken to a Practice pre-battle screen, much like the regular pre-battle screen except (a) the cpu team is automatically scouted (for players below VIP3), and (b) you can swap the cpu team to whatever saved team you want to practice against.


Are you suggesting something different to what you can do currently, which is fight against yourself generally?

Or are you after something SPECIFIC to PvP?

More generally and not (necessarily) specific to PVP.

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You can currently practice against one of your teams generally.

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Would you kindly share a video of “generally” practicing against a team with Wand of Stars and Stellarix? Say, about 100 games long with enemy team being, for example, Wand of Stars/Strellarix/Pharaoh Kharfu/Essencia and player team changing every single game…I can’t seem to find the obscure option to be able to do said “practicing generally”.


I am just referring to when you click on your own hero profile, you can fight yourself.
Which is what I was clarifying with @Stratelier if what they were requesting was different to this.. and how.. so I can pass it on.

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Oh, that pointless good-for-nothing thingy…I thought you meant something adequately usable. Foolish me, should’ve known better.


1- Make the practice/training battle feature just easier to find. Its current location (clicking “Fight” from a user’s profile page) is simply not good enough, nor does it give you enough control over which team(s) you want to practice with/against.

My UI suggestion along this matter

a) From the Collections screen, when you click “Manage Team”, generally rearrange the overlay panel that pops up. For example, a large portion of that panel is currently occupied by three distinct “Share to chat” buttons, which should probably get merged into a single button with an attached dropdown list (containing the same sub-options) since the only difference between them is which specific channel you want to share to. (I’m willing to draw a mockup of this if you want it…)
b) Once enough UI space is available, add a new button with a label like “Practice battle”.
c) Clicking on the Practice Battle button takes you to a pre-battle screen with that team pre-loaded on both sides.

2 - When fighting yourself, on that pre-battle screen specifically, allow you to click on the team header for either side to switch from the team view to a list of your available teams. Thus, you can easily test any combination of your teams against one another.

And as Dust_Angel points out, due to the inherent structure of PVP, you cannot always reliably fight against the same cpu team, even in a practice context.


@Jeto - First you have to set the defense that you want to test as your PVP team in Central Spire. Then you have to exit, go to collections, get the attack team you want to test against that defense team, copy it, exit, open your hero icon, click fight, paste in the attack team, then start actually testing. It’s cumbersome.

If you want to tweak one troop or a class on the defense team, you have to start again at the beginning.

Here is the use case for development - e.g. how we used to do it:

Open battle, look at opponents team, realize you need to test various teams against it to figure out how you can possibly beat it.

Back out of battle. Create defense team that mirrors opponents team. Test various attack teams until you can find one thst can consistently beat it. This could be one team or 20 teams. It takes awhile.

It’s not perfect - you don’t know the opponents class settings or medals, and you might not have all of their troops, but usually you can get close.

This was something many of us did every day during guild wars and sometimes during PVP. Now that collections can’t be easily accessed from the PVP battle screen, we have to take 6-8 extra steps just to leave a battle and paste in a different team. It then contributes to people just playing the same boring team over and over and getting bored and burned out. It may sound silly but the time it takes to get in/out of a PVP battle just to change up teams is not worth it to many players.

So - my suggestions are:

  1. Better ability to easily and quickly test different defense and attack teams.
  2. Improved coding for immortals so that teams carry over and team codes are recognized.
  3. Access to collections menu from battle screen.

Please let me know if this needs more clarification and thanks for movng this forward.


I think it would be better for everyone if all the battles could be green up the right side and they be worth like 50 more points than a simple beast battle it would make it better for the people who love the challenge of GW’S risk vs reward and people who don’t could still play easy battles. Would have to change the set bonus though, just my opinion it would keep the higher brackets get back into the game

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“Keep” taking feedback? What, taking it around back and dumping it down the trash chute? I wonder how long it’s been now since your “wider player base” has felt heard at all.

“Lookout” as in get clear and take cover? I don’t trust this for a moment, at this rate their “consolidations” will probably amount to rolling everything else they can into PVP, since their mission statement has turned into “force every player either to no-life PVP or get left behind.”