Guild Wars is a broken buggy mess

That’s 6,000 - 9,000 points Hoguns potentially missed out on which is not insignificant. :frowning:

Pinging @Saltypatra, @Sirrian and @Nimhain as I know you all are looking into this so I’m hoping the additional info provided by @Taransworld is helpful


Between those 3 lost battles and all of my lost battles that’s a lot of points.


But we know Taran would have actually won :wink:

Just replying as support for my teammates and to again express my displeasure at having my week decided based on bugs, and hoping the devs do something other than say “we’re looking into it”.

Such an awesome mode but feels totally pointless due to a couple small but critical unresolved issues…


I totally agree with this. The core of GW is really good and fun (for me anyway) but these bugs (and a few other issues) keep it from being truly enjoyable yet.


Just wait until tomorrow and I’ll show ya. That’s if there are no more bugs and I can actually play.


Well, a few people encouraged me to withhold final judgement until after the rewards came out. They did, and I’m very upset still. We finished 3rd in our bracket, but if either one of the two bugs we reported early in the week were handled, we likely would have had more points than 1st place. However, the response from @Nimhain and @Saltypatra here on the forums, and from @Saltypatra and Vexx on discord were to wait while they dealt with more important issues. That means that not only do we not advance and see rewards for our efforts, but it also means all the resources our guild spent on sentinels were a waste. In effect, we bought 30 raffle tickets and they only put 28 into the draw. That really soured an otherwise awesome experience.

Going forward, I’m not buying anymore “raffle tickets” until I’m confident that things work properly, and that they will handle/compensate bugs like this in a more fair way (which is how support has been for me on all other issues in the past). And I’m not going to waste time continuing to post on this or ping the devs here and on discord. They have contact info for a bunch of us who were affected, so if this issue becomes important enough they’ll let us know. But chasing them to keep being told “wait” is pointless, actions speak…


Yep, I know it might sound like sour milk to some but seeing how hard our members worked to make Hoguns successful this past week only to be laid low by bugs outside of our control was a big slap in the face. To have spent resources on top of that (I maxed my Sentinels last week, as did many of my guildmates) to only have the system cheat us, is just adding insult on injury. On top of that, this kept us from advancing Tiers thereby robbing us of even more resources this week. What a cluster.

@Saltypatra is there any word on compensation for Hoguns and the other guilds affected by these bugs this past week?


I don’t understand why Gems of Wars didn’t learn much about wars from games like Clash of Clans, Clash Royale for example.

You can do a lot for improvement. If Guild Wars were not ready but you release it anyway, things like this happens.

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While A. I’m not Salty (obviously :stuck_out_tongue: ) and B. This isn’t MUCH info, Salty did say this in Discord last night:

So it’s possible? Likely? Something will be coming, but no word other than that at the moment.

There are a couple things at play here. The main one being, these bugs assumedly didn’t show up during internal testing, and only due to the economies of scale did the start occurring. Also the Clash games by Supercell are supported by a company that has 180 employees as of 2015 (according to Wikipedia), Infinity Plus 2 doesn’t even reach 18 I believe. (I think the number is closer to 12 or 15). So resources and man hours are a lot lower.

So in their mind it was as ready as it was going to get, and many people were already complaining about the multiple delays to Guild Wars. So releasing it was the correct move from their perspective.

EDIT: If you look at the credits in the Steam version, “The Team” is a total of 12 people with 2 “Other Contributors”. The rest is people from the publishers.

EDIT2: Found the post from Sirrian from last year about team numbers:


as with most releases, no matter what industry, there are bound to be bugs. this is exactly the reason i don’t upgrade/update to the latest version of ios or indeed any other software or version for the first couple of weeks just in case it messes up what i had before. and i think apple has enough staff to do proper testing, whether they do is a different matter. (i’d caveat at this stage that i do upgrade if it’s a software/app that doesn’t particularly matter that much to me, just not the important stuff)

bugs are to be expected, in fact i assume there will be bugs, so my spending resources on sentinel upgrades reflects this assumption. i will only upgrade to the point i feel comfortable that if/when these bugs surface, i will not feel completely hard done by if my initial investment was totally lost.

second caveat, i’m in no way condoning or criticising the decisions that anyone else made, just sharing my own thoughts on the matter.


@Maxx @ogunther @beanie42

The first week of Guild Wars had numerous small glitches for many Guilds. The good news is that the team has been hard at work correcting most of them, especially the most impactful ones. Because of the variety of issues and the many different ways in which Guilds were affected, it’s not really feasible for us to make a custom compensation to hundreds of different players/guilds that were affected in many different ways to different severities.

However, over the next couple of weeks it’s likely that we’ll send out a thank you package to everyone. At the moment this is the only form of compensation that is practical for us to commit too. We are very grateful for all the players that helped us launch the Guild Wars system, so thank you for your patience and being so passionate about our new content.


Just be aware that for us, this wasn’t a small glitch. The points we lost were likely the difference between 1st and 3rd and a likely jump to bracket 1.


This was not a small glitch it was a HUGE bug that robbed a whole guild of 30 battles equalling THOUSANDS of points.

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In no way did I state that it was a minor glitch, but due to the sheer amount of guilds and players affected it’s not possible to offer custom compensation. We are looking into sending out a package to everyone that participated in lieu of that.


Under most circumstance, if this was what I was told by a developer (that I might get compensated) after I’d spent resources in game on something that I was then robbed of the ability to get through no fault of my own, I’d be very upset. However, with that said, Sirrian and crew have a track record of doing right by their players so, while I can’t speak for anyone else here, I’m willing to let this issue drop for a few weeks in anticipation that this instance will be no different. Being that it wasn’t just me that was effected but my entire guild whom I feel responsible for, I cannot let this issue drop if adequate restitution is not eventually made. I hope you understand and I look forward to being able to put this behind us.


I’m here just to steal a slice of your cake. :cake:
Congrats for your day!

And while things aren’t solved yet, i hope everything goes smooth for everyone in a few hours in the next Guild War.


Evening Salty -

The three new members who joined us today and yesterday and who maxed their sentinels today just disappeared from our GW screen.

Can this be fixed? I am sure we are not the only one in this boat and fighting with 27/30 members is going to be a problem.

Again, one of those members joined us on Sunday before reset, two others joined us today.

Please advise,



I suppose all I can do now is say to everyone I’m sorry you all wasted resources last week and are stuck in bracket 2 because of me.

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It’s not your fault, @Maxx; fingers crossed the Devs take care of us and everyone else effected by these errors.


Yeah I know it’s not my fault but I still feel bad about everyone wasting their time and resources last week.