Guild Wars Going Forward

There could be a solution for all players, I think.

Fact is: new PvP is sooooo far away from the excitement of GW:(


I wish you guys would stop acting like people are addressing you when they are addressing the developers… posting the same old stuff copied and pasted. SMH… I’m embarrassed for you.

The Alliance thing added, it’s like guild wars on steroids imo so why bring them back when it appears we are to play them 5 days a week anyway, just under a new name?

Alliance is way easier. It also does not matter if you win or lose or play at all.

Not comparable to GWs in the slightest.


Adding my two cents: The game is called Gems of WAR. Guild Wars is the very essence of this game! I see players on the Facebook Community page all the time crying about how much they hated the event and how unfair, hard, blah, blah, blah it was. Look, if the event that is the very core of this game bothers you, you would be better off playing Bejeweled or Puzzle and Dragons, IMO. :roll_eyes:

What did I love about GW? I had to actually use my brain and think. “If I make this match, sure. I get a lil mana, but I will also set the enemy up for a four match…” Once you hit mid to end game status, most everything else is “mindless”. How often should it happen? Once a month like it was. Back in 3.0 when it was introduced, every week was a bit much…


It is 30 battles a week once a month. For 3 weeks out of a month you can’t play the game mode or even see which guilds placed where in bracket 2 or lower. In a large majority of guilds a lot of players don’t even participate in GW. There are guilds that require gold, seals, trophies and guild events but make GW optional. The core of a game can’t really be a game mode that doesn’t even run for 3 weeks out of every month and that a large chuck of the player base either hates, doesn’t care about or doesn’t even participates in. The very core of this game as much as I dislike it now has to be PvP.

It is 30 battles a month a very small part of the game. Most players do 30 battles a week in PvP and some do more even double, triple or 10 times more. Even explore most players do that or far more in a week.

That is if you even get a second turn. When you fight an enemy team with double converters it is very possible you can not block every extra turn from their conveters and when that happens you can either lose before you get a second turn or when you get your second turn half of your team is dead and the other half are frozen, stunned, silenced etc and missing half their health.

If empowered troops were banned and the enemy was forced to stick to color restrictions it could be a fun mode but right now it is very unbalanced and quite often luck based.


This is simply not true. I fought almost every enemy with double even triple converters with books in B2 and almost never lost. The most scary def had been skull teams for certain color days.


Color restrict both sides, and do not allow duplicate troops, Stella, cosmic dragons, or Wand of Stars in play for either side. Level 1688 VIP 18 player, also a guild master.

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I’m glad you are updating us. As someone who tries to 100% the achievements on PlayStation, it is incredibly frustrating to have 3 of them locked behind an event that I’ve never gotten to participate in. I’m almost level 1200 and have 1000+ hours in the game but have never been able to participate. I hope you get it resolved sooner than later, and when doing so, you make sure the old achievements are still obtainable for new players.

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If the old achievements become unobtainable they should be updated. One really old achievement was to get 5 stars on a challenge but with trials replacing challenges that achievement wasn’t possible anymore so it was updated to now require completing 2 trial battles in a single kingdom.


Guild Wars is a great way to build teamwork within a Guild. Yes, there are occasional glitches, the domination of “whales” and maybe a team that is impossible to beat, but overall it’s a great forum.

One man teams should not be allowed. There should be a “common area” for solo players to be able to join a Guild for a War so they can participate.

My Guild has been crying for the return, so please bring it back!


No lo haran por que basicamente no les interesa, yo creo que lo que hiciero es ilegal, quitaro un modo sin previo aviso hace ya 6 meses para 7 no comunican nada , agregan un modo que tenea que pagar , el pvp es un desastre y encima cuando no les gusta un comentario te sensuran con BAN! Pateticos.

I enjoyed Guild Wars.
Pros: The Guild came together to battle, There were varying level of difficulty, the prizes.
Cons: “Meta” Teams spammed, having color restriction while the opponent had free reign. Facing Guilds of 1 or 2 overpowered players.

Going forward: If one side is restricted, both sides should have the same restriction. Break up the use of “Meta” Teams (currently running rampant in PVP). If possible, have Guilds of similar player capacity face each other (Guild of 30 isn’t facing a Guild of 3)

I enjoyed the one week out of the month format you had before it was pulled.

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Guild wars… going nowhere…
Maybe by 2025.
I can’t wait to see another game mode that no one asked for.


It looks like we’re going to get new seasons in pvp with new immortal stuff and more money offers. They keep making the game more complicated and ridiculous instead of solving a seemingly easy issue of bringing back guild wars.

The next update should be…ummm…fun? Whatever the hell that means…:rofl:


I giocatori scarsi sono contenti che non si giochi


The new thread will be called Guild Wars Going Backwards.

Maybe “Guild War(t)s”?

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Fun would be nice … last GW was November, right? :disappointed_relieved:

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December. My guild misses it.