Guild Wars Going Forward

The distribution of empowered converters is definitely an oversight, like broken spire event pets.

That said, sometimes asymmetrical design space is fine/interesting. If every color and type can do everything all the time, teams get more degenerate.

I do think brown used to be at risk of being overpowered. 3 years ago, brown barrier spam was much stronger than it is today. It might be time to revisit that, though.

gems of war hasn’t been the greatest with cycles…

we still havent got the perma-green storm
they started a new cycle of journey troops before finishing cycle 1
we still haven’t got all of the 50% mana start troops and we’re on year 9


I think they missed out on giving mystics a 50% mana start with nightweaver. The extra 3 magic on purple can already be used with amethlias, but that’s just my opinion.

So much of our feedback gets neglected, and it’s hard for many of us to stomach what the devs consider “balanced” or “fun.” :dizzy_face:


Agreed. And as Mydnite is skull heavy, that would make some interesting combos. Finally something other than “mana loop and magic them to death”!

Anyway, back on Guild Wars. I didn’t like it. Unless you and your guild pay lots of gems and are using whatever is most broken from the PvP meta right at the moment, you probably won’t win. So it was situational (do you have the OP combo or not?) plus Pay to Win. No thanks. I can see the same annoying combos for free in PvP.

I really hope PvP as a mode in general is corrected first before bringing back Guild Wars. (We have threads on fixing PvP if anyone wants to chime in there.) I just always saw Guild Wars are just more PvP, only less fun and even less balanced. I understand if your entire guild is into it. Maybe that could make it more fun. But when you and/or your guild is not into it, it really shows.

But then the brown GW-Day is less fun :)))

I still have the hope that we will get back GW. Maybe not in old form, but if GoW remains a pure grind game, too many players will leave.


Easy fix would be to restrict defenses to the same color we have to use.

The real fly in the ointment is wand of stars and stellarx

You think the nerf cries are bad now, imagine them in guild wars


I think it would be too hard to get Defence wins if def teams also had colour restriction.

Def teams have 2 huge disadvantages: not getting first turn, and being controlled by the AI. They need something to give them a chance.


I dont want tomes back, and it will be worse with stellarix and wand. Wand will be in EVERY DEFENSE. Stellarix too at higher levels


If single use rule in defence is kept, Wand and Stellarix will only be usable one day each per player without point loss. There are 6 tomes, so they can be used every day.


Freeze, web or silence can help :wink:
Stella is great, without any question, in Explore or PvP.
Is she (or the Wand) great in GW?
Not imo; too much of a glass canon.


how much longer do we have to wait for gw

Aren’t you… ashamed? Just a little?

Either you have decided that Guild Wars were bad for the economy, being basically f2p, or you cannot solve a bug in your own game in how many months now?


For the two posts above.


that is what we been hearing the last 5.5 mths and its always push further back and ofc you devs keep saying no official date to share yet. Do you even understand how many endgamers or any gw battlers left gow b/c of this delay.


If you read the original post you will see the answer is neither. They aren’t trying to fix a bug instead they are just fully reworking the whole game mode.

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Like it said in the original post and the person that quoted that part of the post it will be back later this year which can mean October, November or even December.

People leave the game everyday. If there were so many people leaving because of a game mode that allowed 30 battles a month then the devs probably would have rushed out a fix months ago and it would have been back in a semi broken state while they work on the rework. The devs have the data of the amount of people playing each month and therefore the amount of people leaving each month and there is probably a very similar amount of people leaving each month now then there was during the same period a year ago when GW was still going.

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Well, we lost a whole guild and we’re not the only ones.

But the devs can monetize the new pvp while GWs wasn’t monetized.

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Sooo win win for devs - less servers required while more payments incoming!

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Who knows?
Guilds play a big factor in player retention. And it’s not like the players who left didn’t spend money on the game.

Well, guess the devs will know from a pure data standpoint.