Guild Wars and sisters guilds

Another proof that people don’t have the right to disagree with you.
This thread is not a debate since a few people have decided that they know what is right or wrong and that they are a more qualified authority than the devs.

I would just like to point out two things:

  • the poll started by @MakoSipper might reflect some different views than those expressed in this thread.
    Either because they think it would not solve the problem or maybe because they think there is not such a problem, more than half of the people have voted that defense teams should be able to have any number of troop.
    Poll: Do defense teams need limitations?

  • it seems that @Saltypatra has missed the thread, but there are some bugs on the number of battles and possibly on scores.
    I think it would be nice to be sure that the scores and, as a consequence, the rankings, are correct before anything.
    152/150 GW Battles