Guild updates delayed?

Must not make Agile Glitch joke…


I don’t in any means ment to disrespect all of what you guys are doing, and I consider all of you are doing awesome job. I am happy to see changes to PvP (don’t know what it will be, current PvP system is really good in my opinion), and hero changes (read: buffs) are much needed. But I always find guild to be what keeps me in the game the most, and brings the most fun out of it. That’s why postponing guild updates (that are needed too) makes me sad. All the reason I hang so much on forum is because I can’t really do that in guild (chat limitations. .)

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I actually don’t disagree with you that a major guild update is the thing I’m most excited about. That’s where I think there’s the most opportunity for deep engagement relative to where it’s at right now. It currently feels very shallow (little incentive for rankings, chat is buried, little co-op play, etc.) but is usually where you get the most depth (weekly leaderboards, guild wars, raid bosses, etc.).

But I also understand why it will be a few more months before we get them. It’s presumably a lot of work when a programmer is out on paternity leave and it’s a ultimately a niche audience (relative to Heroes and PvP). And I do think making PvP competitive will really help. I’m sure it will turn some people off but I think it’s pretty lame right now that it’s just a place to grind gold.

So you don’t misplace the next one.


@Nimhain didnt lose the baby … there just not payin him enough for the child support.
For .59c a day you can help @Nimhain to keep his future childrens fed.
LoL x2
I joke .
Keep up the great work guys.


Nosir! I get plenty enough from my guild. I don’t think membership in any guild should be mandatory to enjoy the game, but I do think guilds offer a potentially enriching experience for many players far beyond the ‘getting stuff for free’ aspect that is going to waste.

Most of all I just want better ability to communicate. Guild chat with more than a day or two’s worth of capacity, a basic bulletin board where one could have persistent posts like rules, suggestions, etc. Fine grained permissions and such would be nice, but I (and I think many others) would happily settle for getting thrown a bone with some mild communication buffs.


I get the feeling that the amount of people that feel the same is pretty similar to the amount of people that actively use the forums. That is to say, a small percentage of active players.

I’m one of them though just so you don’t feel left out.

Re: Sirrian

I’d like to reiterate this post:

And to add to it: Sorry I’m being pushy. I promise it’s not out of entitlement. As I’m sure you can immediately see from my account stats, I love the game you have made and want to see it do well. I also love my guildmates and don’t want to lose them because they get bored. I know you’re spread thin, but my intent with this thread is to hopefully emphasize how important many players consider guilds so they don’t get put further on the backburner than you have to.

Well, if the game gets lots of new improvements, players should want to play more and not leave guilds, so it’s a win-win, right?


This has actually been the plan for a while now. Heroes /=/ PvP > Guilds

Sirrian’s post Dec 15th:

My own post, Jan 1st:
(Got insider info and payed close attention to devs posts before making this comment.)

Guilds have always been third place in priority ever since 1.0.8’s release. But hey, it could be worse, it could not be on the list at all.

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If friends lists and pm’ing is coming in the heroes’ or pvp update, that will help out a lot in the short to medium term - until guilds can get their overhaul at least. Personally, I am excited for any new stuff, and like @Archenassa said, anything new will pique my interest. Not that I don’t still play every day after more than a year or anything…


Yeah I thought this story would be news to you @Nimhain!


So when actually are you addressing the guild cap issue? 10 days ago you said it was a high priority and would be addressed in 1.1.1. This has been changed?

1.1.1 = 2.0.1
Nothing’s changed. It’s still high priority, just below two other bigger priorities.

1.1.1 = 2.0.1?

I might have missed that, where have your read that?

That’s Australian maths… In base pq…


End game players are in more then 90% cases still there because of the guilds (this applies to almost all the games that have guilds). Even those end game players that can’t be found on forums, are a part of top guilds and are still here because of their guilds, they dont want to quit and disappoint their guild mates.

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Did they say they were addressing guild cap? And what’s the problem with it? Seems fine to me. You don’t want too many, or too few…

I don’t disagree with you. I’m simply stating that the amount of people to whom guilds are the key thing to keep playing is significantly smaller than the amount to whom it is not.

I was referring to this cap → Did not get all guild task rewards:

Apparently when you see an exclamation mark on Guild you only get to inn the last 20 completed tasks.