Guild "agreement" in bracket1 to arrange scores

I am sorry to see that this has in fact been confirmed. Mean Machine is also another Guild that gets trounced every 2nd/3rd week when we break into Bracket 1. I suppose it is nice to know that we aren’t really THAT much worse than the other guilds. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On a serious note, as much I may want a player ban, or a guild disbanned, I can’t honestly say that would be fair as there is no real violation of any rule/EULA, it is merely a violation of the understanding of sportsmanship amongst a competitive player base. But perhaps we COULD use this as the platform from which to make serious changes to the Reward structure to GW. What makes this violation so egregious is the horrifying disparity of dispersement of gems and troops between 1 and 10, and beyond, of course.
Here is an example I suggested recently… lets hope changes ARE on the horizon. For the betterment of EVERYBODY not just Bracket 1!