GoW: ToDo Monitor

New version v1.3 with:

  1. reserved trait: you can now reserve trait. For example, you want Sheggra’s 3rd trait but you need some lava arcane so you want to always have enough red minor TS.
    Now checkbox have three states: lock, reserved, unlock.
    The reserved traits are also save/load in the configGoW.xml file.
    You don’t have any display of how many and which TS have been reserved.
  2. ToLvlMax: make the interface similar to other windows.
    When you launch this feature, the reserved traits will be considered as unlocked traits.
    Add a button that display the total of required traitstones of the selectioned traits.
    Add a button that reserved the selectioned traits in the main window (and you can save it).
  3. filter: now, the filters displays the troops concerned only (before only the traitstones were modified).
    Available filters:
    a) base rarity ones: maybe to answer this topic: REQUEST: Sort by base rarity :stuck_out_tongue:
    b) ToDo: keep the troops that you need to improve only. ToDoLvl can be used to see the ones that you haven’t fully ascended.
    c) CanDoTrait: display the troops which can be “traited”. There is no update…
    d) ReservedTrait: display the troops with a reserved trait only.

I will upload a zip file with a password: GoW
Maybe the security issue could be resolved…

Thanks for the feedbacks/ideas ;-).