Sorry I’m late . Last message I said “soon” but I was thinking to release the version 2.2c (new interface)… But for some reasons, I decide to jump directly to the version 2.2d (troop stats).
Here we go:
In short, a new interface for the troops and no need anymore of the database.xml file so troops will be added automatically.
The first launch is long (3-5 minutes) because it will create all the pictures. Next launches should be fast and furious.
If you want to use your previous save, you have to:
- launch one time the software without changing anything
- quit
- copy the lines of the troops from your old save file to the new one (don’t copy the lines of the Hero or change the rarity from “Heros’s classes” to “Mythic”)
Some comments about the new lines:
<Event Kingdom="BlightedLands" Type="Daemon"/>
This one is for the Event so that troops have the +25% or +50% bonus. It means that each week if you care about that, you will have to modify this line. You could consider them as the new lines of the week .
There is some errors in the calculation of the stats of the event troops that I do’nt know where it’s coming from… If you have any ideas, please let me know ;-).
<TableTroopParam width="600" nbColumn="2"/>
This one is the parameters of the left panel. 2 or 3 columns or the better option, I think.
<Hero current="1120" level50="SpellPower" ... />
Current is the level of your Hero and each the other value is the stat bonus obtained when you level up. I don’t know the bonus when the bonus after level 1000 but I will let you know.
You can change the level of your Hero if you select the Hero kingdom.
Augments/perks are not considered for the moment so you could have some difference between this soft and the game.
<KingdomStat Adana="Armor" Apocalypse="" Blackhawk="Attack" .../>
Strangely, I didn’t find in the game files the stat for each kingdom… So I put it there. If you don’t have one kingdom to level 10, you can remove the stat (for example, Adana=“” ).
<GuildStat Armor="8" Attack="3" Life="8" Magic="2"/>
Same that for the kingdoms. Put there the ones that you usually have.
- Luther don’t have a picture (no .png file for him). Don’t know why
- Warrior is named Warlock in the game files so I keep it like that.
- The Hero’s base stats were chosen according to what I was missing so it can be wrong.
- Stats of the troops who have a bonus from the Event are bugged. It’s strange and already reported by myself here:
Error with Event boost
Thanks to @KAYA43V3R for the ideas/debugging and to everyone for the weekly lines ;-). If you find any bugs, please let me know.