GOOD NEWS: Removal of Gold Costs for Battles!

AI defense loses are still better because:

  • Choice of what traitstones can drop
  • Free reward every 15 lose wins (winning an ai defend still doesn’t count towards them)
  • More likely for a bad build to get invaded than a good one

Downside is that you can’t switch opponent on revenge battles… So if it’s a cheap coin toss team (copyright to @pasa but for once I agree :slight_smile: ) you can’t skip to another…

I dont think that defense losses are still better than wins. I even doubted that before pvp was free.

If you are invaded like 10 times a day (I usually only log in once in the morning and when I come back from work) loosing all defends resulted in 3 cheap revenges for as little as 150 gold, whereas 10 wins granted a sum of gold (sure it was less than you could gain in 3 revenges), 3x as much glory and up to 4 times more souls. What really breaks the deal is the time it takes to finish 3 revenges. In the very time you take to fight those 3 matches you could easily have made another 3 invades, so the ‘i can get more gold in a revenge because it only costs 50 gold each’ was nonsense even before the recent change. After the change a defense loss is not better than a win considering the potential gold of the revenge battles. I guess we both agree on this one, as you didnt mention it.

As for the other advantages of defense losses:
-Choice of what traitstones can drop - if you’re seriously farming a specific arcane I’d recommend doing the easiest challenge in the very kingdom you need. You can finish those far faster than a pvp match. If you need them so badly as to say it’s an advantage of defense losses, I guess you’re not going for the golds but for the traitstone so gaining gold while having a chance to get the traitstone doesnt count imo.

-Free reward every 15 lose wins - what’s the reward again? like 100 souls and a tiny bit of golds at the end afair. Not really that much to convince a loss is better than a win.

-More likely for a bad build to get invaded than a good one - since imo there are no advantages of a loss anymore, being invaded more often (with the potential of more defense losses) doesnt count here.

Just my 2 cents

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defense wins have a chance at gems where loss has chance at maps, traits, and keys…

Best part about this, I can just retreat from any overmatched opponent with no loss of gold. Oh look, another double mythic centaur, bye bye


That’d be me, I suggested it twice, indeed, armor bonuses matches better Khetar and seemed like a good option :slight_smile:

If memory serves me, one of the reason the devs were relunctant to have changes to the card was that it could cripple beginner players.
As far as beginners are concerned, when I was one, the Skeleton’s magic didn’t give it any attack (the number of skulls spawned scaled with magic, but as a beginner, you don’t have a lot of magic). So we actually used to spawn FEWER gems when we were beginners and have 0 bonus to anything.

So… For beginners, I think the card would remain pretty balanced or at least better than what it used to be before the patch that made the Skeletons too strong.

The other problem though would still be on higher leveled players that will use it to to fuel skulls to Agile / Trueshot units, but that, in my opinion, is another problem that should be adressed another way latter on.

Hi, you could erase the part of the screen with the amount of gold (0) because is now useless, don’t you think?

I suspect that is something that will be in a Major patch, since it is more than just a data change.

They were able to make the gold 0 in a data push, and wanted to give it to us all now.

PS4 player here. If it doesn’t apply to me I don’t want to hear about it. What is so difficult about tailoring two different emails and sending it out to us separately? I simply love getting a highlight in my email about not having to spend gold and then having to read the ENTIRE article and the information that is doesn’t apply to me is the VERY LAST point.

Thank you for nothing and wasting my time.

You probably wasted more time writing that rude post than you wasted on reading the article…


Explain to me how it was a rude post. Just stating the facts.

Telling people they’re wasting your time is pretty rude in and of itself. Also, updates for the PC/mobile version will happen for the console players eventually, so there’s no need to be all cranky about it.

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+1 for @Jainus and @Archenassa

If you need it explained to you, then no explanation could possibly be of any benefit.


+1 to @riversong