Gnome resurrection

Like I said, I have no idea how things were actually working, but from what Sheba was saying, she was getting a crazy amount of gems and other rewards. I’m not sure what the value of a vault key is, but the others would cost about 80 gems to buy, so that’s a pretty nice boost. It seems like people were getting obsessed with farming Gnomes, which isn’t a healthy way to play the game. Probably things would have settled down once the novelty wore off.

It certainly doesn’t seem as bad as the traitstone bonanza glitch when they did the Unity update.


It gave me chance to have fun playing the game, it was something new and very cool, like everyone said they could only reduce the amount of rewards and let them appear at the rate it was… now i been playing 3h and saw 0 i repeat 0 gnome…

Imagine someone who can only play 1 hour, they will never see a gnome, oh yeah maybe 1 every month if they are lucky, then surprise they win 2000 stupid souls omg im so excited to see that gnome they will say? Yeah right


She was a special case because she has the cutesy of bunnies… :stuck_out_tongue:

But honestly, the best i got was 20 gems and i wouldn’t mind to get none, but it was cool to find the little buggers every now and then while farming more traitstones.

The fact that a Vault Key has a chance to reward us an exclusive legendary sets a high interest, but it’s doomed to become an horrible experience once people understand how hard it can be to actually get one… It’s the same kind of issue i personally have with Zuul’ Goth being so hard to obtain and being so utterly disappointing.

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And of course you need vault key to get more raid boss token…

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I think that’s the feeling they were going for, but it’s too bad that they let expectations get so high by bugging the release.


I believe this is completely incorrect. Vault keys have nothing to do with sigils. And valravens are what drop the sigils.

I couldn’t have summed up gnomes any better than this. Thanks @Stan!


Right but if the valraven are rare as gnome lol good luck finding sigils

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I think I read on some topic here that the Vault event might be live from tomorrow (Friday) to Monday. How probable is this?

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I must admit that my dream of ever getting a vault key is long gone.


I been lucky to get one last night and the achievement were broken so of course i need another to unlock it


I’m constantly doing fights now for 4 hours…just one after another with a fast deck and didn’t have a single one. That’s no drop rate, thats’s torturing players.


They said they will adjust it, but how long it will take?? I see they are quick on the trigger to remove things but very slow to give anything


My point is you made a factless & incorrect statement about vault keys in an already emotionally volatile thread. You should check those facts before blurting them out.

And somewhere @Alpheon posted that valravens drop rates should be within a variance of 1 for all players so its drop rate will be nothing like gnomes.

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Well, I guess we all could have had one, if there weren’t darlings writing stuff like…“Oh the rewards are so big, you yure this is ok” and “Oh they come so often, wonder if that is ruining balance”…wonder what these geeks think they are getting out of that.


Pc had the update 3 hours before consoles, so they had it fixed before we had a chance. And then fixed it again it seems.

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To be fair @Rickygervais i’m less than amused by the situation too, but i take from a perspective that they should have checked it at least ten times to make sure that we wouldn’t get the wrong impression from the new features:

At this point while still frustrated you would do better and take some time out. Simply staying mad and lashing out on the others will just paint a bad picture about yourself. Hopefully things will get better for you after some rest.


Sorry but you forgot he was bitching cause people were complaining… this is our right to complain and let the dev know it’s not correct what they did… if you okay with it fine but let the other who aren’t happy express their feelings


Maybe with enough uproar they’ll compensate us all, the ones who didn’t even get a chance at the freebies. Nothing like testing a update on us while releasing it.
Hopefully the rest of the update goes smoother.


I wouldn’t hold my breath for that to happen. The best we can hope for is that they increase the spawn rate of Gnomes a nominal amount. (I also won’t hold my breath for that. :sweat_smile:)


I won’t be at all, nothing around here surprises me anymore other then the fact that I still give them the benefit of doubt.