Gnome-A-Palooza preview discussion

It just sounds too good to be true. Knowing the stinginess of the devs/publishers it’s hard to believe that there won’t be a catch somewhere.
If Gnome-a-Palooza will be self-sufficient, it will be an enormous influx of Vault keys during gnome weekends (not counting a giant amount of glory, souls, and other resources).
I’m totally expecting some nerfs, either to Vault keys, loot from gnomes, or something else.


Thanks: will now be able to adjust expectations accordingly.
:pray: :vulcan_salute:

I’d go as far as saying that the combined perks of all updates ever released so far don’t even amount to a tiny fraction of what this single feature offers. It’s like opening your spam mail folder and finding out that this time there really is a genuine Nigerian Prince that gifted you $100,000,000 in gold bars, and they’ve already been delivered to your doorstep.

I’d like to believe but my brain keeps entering some failsafe mode on my way there. I just can’t see them giving away all troops for free now to everyone willing to pick them up, it feels like it would seriously disrupt their business model that currently values legendary troops at $50 each. Time will tell.


For all this discussion, I think I’ve seen this mentioned once, so I thought I’d highlight it.

While GAP is an individual event, you can spawn pet rescues from it. Whether you have a 15-minute (1 GAP) or 1-hour (4 GAPs), you would only be able to spawn one pet rescue during that time. So when using GAPs for pet hunting, there’s no point to crafting more than 1 every hour per guild.

Also, if you plan on spawning a pet rescue, there’s no point in crafting more than 3 GAPs (45 mins) at a time to give yourself time to finish the pet rescue once the GAPs are over.

I’m excited for this functionality and agree that the likely bottleneck will be a missing verse. If all band members have the same spawn rate, then it’ll just be a matter of streakiness. If they don’t have the same rate, I’m guessing it’ll be an orb of chaos distribution. Worst case, it’ll be a major orb of chaos distribution with one of the gnomes/verses having Orb of Power chances (1%).

Either way, we’ll only know how it’ll be when it actually comes out. Assuming I get enough verses for a GAP early on, I’ll most likely wait for a more proficient farmer to use theirs first since they’ll have an easier time getting a 2nd GAP and we’ll get a firsthand account of their experience.

I’m also curious about GAP use during Vault events. Will they count as gnomes for the pity keys? Do they also have a chance of dropping vault keys?

Final question: they mentioned that PvP battles with hero will still give the loot from 4 gnomes even though only 3 will participate in the battle. Could the extra reward be from band gnome or will it be limited to “regular” gnomes?


The best gnome is the pet gnome. So, this is what I am most looking forward to. Start GAP, spam PvP until pet rescue starts, then spam explore until GAP timer runs out.


I don’t think that those 15min gnomes count for pity keys, but I do hope so. Starting the vault event with Palooza would score about 8 vault keys. On the other hand, after that another one would only only give few keys, so it’s possible if the idea is to let terberos do something else on vault weekend than only hunting gnomes until my fingers are numb.

100% my approach on the matter…