Gnome-a-Palooza Changes

Maybe because they don’t want to risk the 99% modeling their behavior on the 1% and having the 1% no longer be 1% in the long run, or something to that effect?

At least that’s the only semi-reasonable explanation I can come up with for them hiding behind the “but but the 1% are wrecking the [non-existent] economy!!” crap.

They wanted an excuse to nerf rewards because they think it will take away from people buying this crap in the cash shop. They’re using phrases like “affect the economy” to make it sound more professional, but in reality they’re just salty (sorry, I had to…) over potential missed sales while not bothering to keep in mind the fact that most people weren’t going to buy their overpriced crap anyway.

Their bosses/management/owners got pissed that players could actually grind out piles of resources that resulted in the company having less leverage to “encourage” paying cash for those same resources. That’s really the sum of it. The devs just can’t say it out loud due to not wanting to wind up in trouble at work.

Reminder: If you buy a battlepa$$, you’re supporting this kind of behavior.

The suits don’t care where the money comes from. Profit = encouragement. It ticks me off even more that they’re likely making a killing on these pa$$es and STILL need to nerf player resource gain into oblivion because they could miss out on a few more dollars. There is no “they’re making enough money/profit” in this equation. They want every possible dollar. They want ALL OF THE MONEY. Uncapped earnings potential will never be satisfied. Remember that.


I would say if you actually paid real money to do GAP then it got a 75% Nerf then if these same devs expect those folks to spend money again they are out of their minds. I would say that if they sell verses for real money those should be separate and be able to be used without thd Nerf. Call it GAP plus or something like that. I am not sure how many folks bought them and didn’t use them the first weekend but I’m sure there were some.


[quote=“Qoob, post:336, topic:71394”]
What you call “great when first released” was generating millions of souls and glory over the course of four days, eclipsing the rewards from months of regular gameplay, and it’s obvious that this could not continue uncurtailed and that a nerf would be forthcoming.

It was pretty obvious during the first hours of the first GOP that being able to perpetually generate endless GOP was a mistake. That first nerf made complete sense to at least this player.

However, THIS nerf is not “Whoops we made a mistake in how we implemented this!” This one really does not make much sense. In the first nerf I could totally buy that they never intended for so many band gnomes to be found inside the GOP. Even while playing, I immediately thought, “uhhh this can’t be a right!”

But in this nerf, it feels like they are saying they had no idea that people grind explore for gnomes (even before GOP), and that we don’t dawdle. It’s pretty close to impossible that they didn’t know this BEFORE they put GOP into the game. Its certainly possible that the ironhawk team was flying under their radar. So doing some sort of nerf still makes some sort of sense, I guess. But I am getting throttled on level 12 explore! Therefore, THIS nerf is nonsensical to me.

Having said that, I agree with you that its still very worthwhile to do GOP.


I think the current nerf was still necessary from a progression standpoint (and honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t nerf vault keys along with it). I agree that the wording of the nerf is questionable, but I think people are focusing too much on the wording.

For example, you can easily reframe the nerf as a catch-up mechanism for newer players which grants increased rewards for lower team scores and rewards more challenging gameplay.

The difference lies in the baseline. The original framing of the nerf encourages a comparison with pre-nerf GAP, which I’ve hopefully made clear is inappropriate, but my revised framing instead suggests a comparison with pre-GAP vault weekend, which places more emphasis on the intrinsic benefits of GAP rather than the recent nerf.


I’d agree with what you’ve said if this wasn’t the second time they’ve gutted the event.
Had GaP initially come out with the current level of rewards, people would’ve been plenty happy with it.

Instead, they released GaP and then took a sledgehammer to player expectations. Not once, but twice. If you can’t get it right the first time, at least get it right the second time.

It is NOT an unrealistic expectation for a company that has run a game for more than half a decade to get its most highly anticipated event in more than two years right without needing several rounds of MASSIVE nerfs POST release.

And the worst part?
They could’ve played their own game in a realistic setting for 15 minutes and known how this would go down. They refused. Napkin math is best math, testing is for suckers.

Just to make it clear: I think the level of rewards is appropriate. What %^@$^ me off is the repeated crushing of expectations because they refuse to get it right.


Imagine if they listened to the beta testers before release?


they could have avoid lots of problems oO

my brother quit the game because the game is blaming players for being efficient and he said he is walking away because they refused to fix bugs like sudden crashes even after reporting this for months and because they released many updates untested.
He said he supported the game with money and invested his time for the game but now everything is about their economy and making money with bad product.
It is unfortunate to see him leave but I understand what he is taking about.
Hopefully Gems of War dev team understand happy customers means more profit and vice versa.

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Saltypatra was so happy and excited when she introduce the 1st version of GAP. She mentioned in her stream that even the beta testers were happy about it. Players were happy on the 1st day except those people who can’t play that day.

I believe that devs don’t play GoW so they get information from this forum. A few veteran players mistakenly admitted that they can do 6 or more battles per minute during GAP. Some players requested a nerf too because they can gather an enermous amount of resources in a day (equivalent to 6 years before) with a proof posted here.

GAP is still my best mode up until today. I am just hoping that it will stay the same and the devs will stop nerfing it and that depends on players bragging here.


And then blaming it on the player base for exploiting the system


Oh goodness no, I don’t think so at all. The forum is mostly for bug reports as far as it concerns the devs. I agree that many of their choices make it seem as though they don’t actually play the game themselves, but I have to assume their decisions are made based off of profit models and business plans, not looking at the forums. Goodness knows how many times issues have been brought up even before a feature launches and it manages to go live without a fix.

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you do know that one can farm 10 sets per day if they put some time in it. and we are not talking about hardcore farming

What happened first day was you had people that spent their entire day filling their pockets and then after doing so came to forums tagging a devs saying that it’s broken. They did not stop scooping up as much as they could. They came to forums because they were scared that the came would end if others did what they did. They were not concerned enough to stop themself but wanted most people not to do it because if the game ended they would have nothing to do. Then this Nerf the same people that have tons of vault keys are doing Gap like crazy because they want to milk it all they can before another Nerf. They probably have more vault keys than they will ever use but they do it anyway. It will probably get another Nerf because of these folks. Sad that a few folks have to play a mode to death til it doesn’t exist and the rest of the folks that don’t play it to death get the same Nerf. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it. I think a better way forward for GAP is to set limits on it. 3 per day. Use it or Lise it. During vault weekend same limits but you can purchase more in the shop if you choose to.


That is not at all what happened; there were “hey, this loops, and that seems unsustainable” comments pretty much from the off.

The real problem is that the devs work on Australia time so they didn’t notice it was broken until almost an entire day of game-time had elapsed.


It sure was what happened. I was at work watching folks post about it. Look I have 55 full GAP it’s broke. A few hours later please Nerf this I now have over 100. These folks could have stopped themselves and maybe open a few vault keys perhaps but chose instead to continue to fill their pockets because they knew the Devs are on another schedule.

Looks like the devs plan to blame the players is working with some folks. For those who think the end-gamers ruined GAP… how many players do YOU know of cannot finish a single lvl 1 explore battle in under 50 seconds. I’ll bet zero or close to it. Well, they’re getting rewards nerfed by the DEVS. Not other players.
Not to mention it is the textbook definition of illogical to say “Here’s a TIMED event… don’t do it fast or we’ll reduce what you get”


Thats nto what happens at all. That gnome storm was beta tested. And they devs were warned that a non stop loop is possible and that its a very bad idea. They totally have been warned.
Then Salty did a preview where they once more have been warned.
And lastly they did publish gnome storm one week earlier than expected.
So what else is a end gamer suppose to do if they dont listen?


It seems like i am becomeing a scapegoat oO. Only because i know more about the game than the devs. And their 5 trillion simulations would do nothing if they setting up bad teams and not even getting close to what endgamers or even hardcore gamers like me can do oO

Well then if folks that were filling their pockets didn’t think it was wrong then why did they go to forums and ask for a nerf? The short answer is they could care less if it was Nerfed after they filled their pockets lol. There are some folks that thought this was intended and the game was going to be mostly subscription like campaign, myself included. Some of these folks played a lot too but didn’t go to forums asking for Nerf and likely didn’t play as much as some because they thought it was intended. Some of the folks that played for like 20 straight hours should have maybe put the controller down and go get some fresh air from time to time. Instead they basically bragged how much they got in forums and likely made the Nerf happen faster for the folks that could not play the first day. Those folks are no hero even though they think they saved the game. Saved game from who? People like yourself :joy::joy::joy:

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Who, exactly, went on the formus and said “I got 50 GAPs, please nerf it so everyone else misses out” Can you be specific???
As for the rest, you’ve been told, multiple times, that the devs were warned about the looping potential and ignored it. If you don’t get it by now, you never will.
And it’s been posted many times that this 2nd nerf screws EVERYONE. Because the criteria they use for “too fast” and “too easy” are 90% of the players. Lvl 200 players are getting boned by this. Do you consider them to be end gamers? Really?
Better to stop worrying about how other people play GOW, and just play for your own enjoyment.