Gnome-a-Palooza Changes

Funny how this announcment didn’t come a couple days sooner huh? Just a coincidence I’m sure it came 2 days AFTER the new campaign starts.


Can somebody create a poll if they can do 6 battles/minute during GAP. If yes, what team. I can’t do it with 2 ironhawks, SS, and DD. Greed version will always be slower

you need a better gadget and a better internet connection

Just remove the gnome a palooza.

Ah did not think about it, but it seems very true…guilty of buying the Elite+ here…

You can’t lose something you never had to begin with. I’d personally reword this statement to “Devs, if you’re not making as much money as you and your bosses would like, it’s not due to too many free resources.” And I absolutely agree.

The day it was announced as F2P it went on my blacklist, and I bought 3 or 4 copies of Puzzle Quest and 2 copies of PQ2 over the years. I’d have been happy to pay $15-25 for the next game but IP2/505 taught me a lesson with GoW. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…well, it’s not going to happen.

Especially with the knowledge that IP2 are being actively incentivized to monetize the crud out of everything they touch for the first 4 years under the new ownership.

One positive thing has come from playing GoW for years, though. Other than this game, I am done with F2P as a genre. It’s just not possible for me to look at a F2P game anymore and not think “look, another endless grind designed to siphon as much money as possible, even if it doesn’t look that bad right now”. I’ll stick to paying for my games from now on. (To clarify, I mean paying for games that don’t include gambling mechanics/lootboxes/gacha as a secondary revenue stream.)


I must’ve missed it in the big thread here but did they change greed to be slower? Or are you comparing him to someone?

Probably compared to Sister Superior. Traited Greed explodes a gem at the start of the battle, making your battle take slightly longer.


yep, was a comparison with sister superior, cause i said you can’t use greed this weekend, but not because greed is just slightly slower. greed and mana potion/explode on start bug isn’t a good combo

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Thanks, I figured something like that but was unsure.

I’m lost, the only thing I could think of is Warframe.

@Saltypatra - I don’t understand. You talk about this like it’s rare. Fast Explore has been a thing ever since I started playing the game. Tacet has been sharing Fast Explore teams for as long as I’ve watched him, and then some.

Honestly, anyone who doesn’t know how to win Fast Explore at least 3 times a minute doesn’t know how to play the game!

If this is news to you, I guess you don’t know how to play the game either – which is mind-boggling!

TL;DR - A lot more than 1% of players are capable of winning 3 to 4 games per minute.


Very well said, on all fronts.

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I want Vault Keys, and lots of them! Nerfing gap the second tme is a slap in the face to all players. It’s the typical gow philosophy, the better you are at the game the worse the rewards. (take Treasure Hunting for example of this).


Well if VK is the only thing you want then the nerf has 0 impact on you as according current knowledge the nerf doesnt change the drop rate of VK. the nerf just affects the drop amount of resources like gold, glory, soul


For those who can do 6 battles per minute during GAP, can you please take a video? My internet speed is 950gbps down and 500 up. My latest device is just 1 year old and I still can’t do 6 battles per minute. @bloodhime_oO @Potemkinz

My exact thoughts this morning, gow is my first and last P2W game. My only hope is when the game finally dies they release it as a singleplayer. A man can dream.


Look her streams, she never has time to play the game, cause it shows she is casual as most.

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I’ll definitely play all my Gnome-a-Paloozas this time. Just in case… Even if we get an upwards correction - which I doubt - I wouldn’t feel as bad as I would keeping verses and then get a third nerf.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the VK pity counter suddenly required twice as many gnomes as before