Gems of War Database - updated troops list and much more!

@Lyya I am getting a 500 Server Error when trying to get to my collection – everything else seems to be working fine…

Yup, I’ve gotta rev the server. Will fix it when I have a chance tonight (eta a couple hours).

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Should be fixed now. Sorry about that.


Would it be possible to get a “Show Max Renown Delves” button similar to the existing one for Max Star Kingdoms?

Yeah, that should be easy to add.

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Done. Folded the two settings together since I think the overlap of people who want to hide max-power level kingdoms and those who want to hide max-renown delve factions is likely quite high.


If I could give more than 1 like I would. :grin:

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Something odd is happening today, no kingdoms are hidden anymore.

Hi @Lyya, we are still having problems with @kappadocio account, could you help him?
You can find the details of the issue in the above post.


Hi @Lyya I can’t see weapon’s count in mine or others collection.

Hi @Fatty,

It seems to be working for me. Can you describe what you are trying to do and what is not working?


Hi @Lyya,
when I look at my collection (or anyone else collection) the count column is always zero for weapons.

Whole collection:

Filtered by Weapons and sort count desc:

This seems to be no longer working :cry:

Site is down for me today, is it working for anybody?

Looks ok for me now

Other than that hiccup last month, site has been working great for me lately!

Small suggestion: in the class table, can you please add a column listing the talent trees for each hero class? Bonus points if, like the spell descriptions, a listing of the individual talents associated with each tree can be opened when you click on the talent trees. Thanks!

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How often are the Pets updated? I was looking to see what type food Sir Ted would need (Brown), but he is not listed, nor is Sad Panda.

Great Site, Thank you.

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I’m getting this error when trying to load my collection…

Sorry for the delay on this. Should now be fixed.