Gems of War Database - updated troops list and much more!

Is there a problem with the link function. Im creating an account and then trying to link my gow profile.
It does’nt work (cant find my profile). Im sure of my answers for the link (invitation name + 2 stones quantities).

My Collection page is down for me

Also notable that last week’s new Dragon’s Claw troops are missing from the database (though Lamashtu is there for this week).

Aquaticus is not in GoWDB

Just popping in to note that the site is getting a bit buggy again - the home page does not display the current events.

Also, the missing troops from September (Volthrenax, Thaumaris, Aquaticus) are still missing.

Finally, a minor suggestion - the troop table lets you sort on any troop stat except magic. Any way this could be added?

Thanks again Lyya.

It seems like the site isn’t being worked on in terms of new features, but an Elite Level leaderboard would be cool.

Am I the only one getting an error 500 when I try to go into my collection?


I’ve been getting it for a few days now

Sorry everyone. I’ve fixed the My Collection page and added art for the missing troops and spells. If there are troops/pets/weapons/etc. missing from the site, please let me know and I’ll add them manually.


Working. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

Thanks @Lyya :hugs:

Thanks Lyya, I appreciate your keeping the site up to date! The events/front page are fixed.

Still missing from the troop database:

All 4 Wild Court Faction troops

Got it. I’ll add these today. Thanks!


I’ve added the specified 7 troops and also Droggo. Thanks very much for the report. Please let me know if there are any others that are missing.


Are you referring to the troop’s Magic stat or their mana cost? If the former, I’d love to understand what you’d do with a sort on Magic, since the meaning of that stat varies from spell to spell – it’s not really interesting that one troop has a higher max Magic stat than another (I imagine). If you mean their mana cost, then that can be done by adding the Cost column to the table via “Choose Columns” and then sorting by it.


Magic stat. It’s not necessarily for sorting - without access to the magic stat, you can’t calculate and compare spell damages while in the troop table. Leads to a lot of extra clicking, as you are instead required to bring up the troop’s page, then go back to the table.

Thanks again!

Oh, I get it. So what you’re really after here is something in the description like:

“Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. Deal double damage if the enemy is Enraged. (MAX Magic: 10)”


Thanks for the troop updates, I saw that they are all now up on the site and in the timeline (my favorite “extra,” although the delve rooms are nice too)!

Re: troop magic stats on the table, yes, exactly what you said. Hope that’s an easy add?

Not hard to add, I can do that in a day or so. Thanks for the suggestion!


Done, please let me know if that takes care of your needs.
