Gems of Streaming

I dunno
I think 99.9% of the player base are like me
If we’re going to use our free time to watch a stream, it’s not going to be a gem matching game
Big world with lots of important things going on, i’d rather a quick overall review that some people are nice enough to post on here

I’m watching Abby Martin on Joe Rogan’s Podcast right now…but I’ll get bored soon if they don’t start talking about coffee or team names, or offering codes that I can’t use on my ps4 :crazy_face:

That means the stream isn’t for you and that is more than okay. :slight_smile:

Streaming previews is a lot faster content creation than making videos, which is the primary reason we turned to streaming. Instead of filming footage, recording voice over, and spending a significant amount of time editing, we can a lot a one and half to two hour period of time to streaming, and then make those streams available for viewing afterwards.

The argument that there are more important things going on in the world is a straw man argument at best. Yes, of course there are but by that logic, why are you playing a match 3 game at all when you could be volunteering? Or studying international policy? Or entering politics? It’s a slippery slope, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying, or not enjoying, any form of content. (In this case, some very specific Gems of War streams with a very Salty host.)


Almost 12k of your peers disagree.


@awryan with the goods.


The other game I play has regularly developer hosted streams and a good portion of the player base watches those. It helps that they’re entertaining (like Salty’s streams) and give out rewards to attendees, but it’s also different to get the information from the horse’s mouth than to read player written summaries.

On the other hand, I’m not just watching the stream. 99% of the time I watch a stream I’m multi-tasking, so the only thing I’m giving up is watching/listening to something else.


There’s no need anymore.

You pretty much said it all and answered all of my questions. :kissing_heart:

Have you ever considered trying a Twitch stream from an Xbox One? I guess it has a lot of cool features, and Microsoft might show some appreciation back. You could even dual stream and share controls via xbox Twitch.

Don’t forget PS4 :grinning:

I’m not going to :poop: on the stream itself. I watch it when I can, and Salty puts her heart into it. Sometimes I make her laugh and I’m kind of disappointed if I can’t! My free time just doesn’t line up well with it.

My comment was about my theory that viewer numbers are part of the metrics used to judge engagement with the game. GoW doesn’t have enough viewers to warrant it being an actual revenue stream. But if Salty can show relatively stable growth in viewership, she can make the case that there is growing interest in the game.

My theory was if the players want to send the message “we’re cheesed off” to people who actually matter, a good way is to either completely hijack the stream or just don’t show up. If viewership drops to like, 50, someone’s going to ask why. I felt like that boycott idea was a little nicer to Salty than suggesting people spam her chat with capital letters.

It was petty, sure. I made a post somewhere else about how I was angry etc. and don’t want to revisit it.

Eh, views are a better metric there. Lots of people subscribe but don’t watch. Tacet’s doing pretty good in my opinion, most of his videos seem to pull in 500-700 views. Something about his weekly event posts are special, they do more than 1k views. Getting engagement from 10% of your subscribers is dang hard and he can pull it off regularly.

It makes me think a Salty + Tacet dual stream would be crazypants and good for Salty’s numbers, but it’s hard to tell. Salty’s stream’s a live event that doesn’t hit everyone’s best time zone. Tacet’s videos are (mostly) posted to be consumed at the viewer’s leisure. That sort of gives Tacet an advantage, and a lot of people who’d like to watch him crack jokes with Salty live still won’t be able to?

That said, some collab work with players would be great for goodwill all-around.

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@UKresistance I have considered it, but unfortunately it’s a time sink that doesn’t look like it would have enough pay off at the moment. If that changes in future I would be interested in streaming on console, but for now Twitch will have to suffice.

@Slypenslyde I’d really rather no boycotting or harassment, and I don’t think either is kind, constructive or necessary. If either of these things happen the stream stops, as do all content previews. We won’t replace them with videos for the reasons I mentioned before.

It’s an unfortunate reality, but the truth of the matter is that if we get excessively harassed or boycotted, we will draw back from the community and communicate with you less. We introduced streaming as a first point of contact that let you interact with me, and on occasion other devs, on a regular basis. If the stream no longer serves this purpose, we will stop producing them.

On that note, I will be streaming PQ again today in about half an hour. Pop in if you’re keen, but no pressure.



“You’re not my friends anymore. I’m taking my ball and going home.” :laughing:

You can view it that way if you want too.

I think a more apt way of putting it is this…

“If you keep harassing me I’m not going to want to share my ball with you. The meaner you are, the less I will want to be kind to you, as you have shown me no kindness. If you still choose to behave this way, I am under no obligation to share my ball with you, or give you my time or energy.”

Is that better?

This is a fallacious argument either way, and doesn’t accurately represent the situation at hand.

If the stream doesn’t serve its intended purpose, then it will be revamped, replaced or removed. I believe this is reasonable.


If not enough people watch things on tv or on streams… They go away.
Most adults should be aware of such a formula. :man_shrugging:


Yeah Salty’s response is fair, even if she were a player doing it for fun “having no viewers” isn’t inspiring to go make the next episode. Like I said, viewers are a metric and even if it’s not being measured by 505, it makes the most sense for Salty to spend her “hang out with the players” time in a place where there are the most players.

Anyway I’m sorry I revisited that threat, for some reason I thought I owed an explanation for “what I meant back when I was seeing red” and it turns out it’d have been better to bury it.

Fair enough. Put more effort when it’s most worthwhile and cost-effective.
Time is the most important component and if it’s not spent wisely, you have regrets.

Well, thanks for the mention, but honestly: I’m not sure anymore.

I’m still doing my daily login and i don’t even know why… I don’t play the game and in the events i just buy the tiers for the weapons. I don’t even interact with my guild aside from collecting seals from the daily logins and donating the minimum gold required (300k) each week an maybe using the wortheless (for me) Orbs of Clans during Mythic weeks. Maybe it’s a vain hope that someday i might come back to the game. Who knows?

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Mythic preview stream tomorrow! It will be Champion of Gaard. <3


I feel this guy will work great with Anu but, should be from Whitehelm since it’s Champion of Gaard and Gaards Avatar is from WhiteHelm

TODAY TODAY TODAY. Wooo I am excited!


There is a lore associated to the two and why they are both from Sword’s Edge.