Gems of Streaming

4.8 Stream Preview Notes

*** Stream has ended. Please feel free to post corrections to errors and I will update this post. Thank you!

– New Event System

New event system is being implemented to replace old events over time. Will eventually replace most weekly event game modes (NOT Guild Wars) as these event types will be retired. Events follow a dynamic system that allow the devs to craft each event as they see fit. (THINK: the old Weekly Events returning in an updated format).

Will replace Invasions in 4.8. Eventually, Raid Boss (when all Godslayers are released) and Tower of Doom (when all Doomed weapons have been released) will be retired and moved to weekends. Rewards on weekend events will be adjusted to reflect that these events are 3 days in length instead of 7. Retired events will have re-runs every 5-6 weeks on average on weekends.

Lore is returning to weekly events (under the new system only).

Events listed on Guild screen now posted in chronological order, top to bottom.

New events feature event medals instead of weekly troops or weapons. Old event weapons from retired event types can appear in the new event shop to act as a second chance to acquire them. Devs reserve the right to add new weapons/troops to new events in the future, as they see fit.

Scoring mechanisms for events will change with each event to keep these events from becoming stale (collectables, points, and other methods…)

Some events will be guild-based, some will be based on individual performances.

Event medals obtainable via progess rewards and event shop tiers. Boots skull damage, spell damage, or both. These medals do NOT function outside of the weekly event where they are purchased.

When event ends, event medals convert to Medal of Seasons (new Epic medal - 4 Attack, 4 Life, 4 Armor). This medal cannot be earned in Explore mode.

If an event has “kill X troop type” as a scoring mechanism, a counter will appear on top of the screen (replaces treasure map counter).

Matches take place on a new screen overlaid on the world map.

Enemy encounters are generated via the team generator.

Color of event encounter = max troop rarity in match (ex: purple = epic, orange = legendary, cyan = mythic)

Bosses can have special Boss Traits to give troops special effects that those troops do not normally possess. They may also have special variants of their spells. Expect more Boss Traits and spell buffs as encounter level increases. Boss Traits CAN be temporarily disabled via stun. Bosses do NOT have the Boss troop role.

To see these Boss Traits and spell buffs, players need to click/tap on these units to see them on their card.

– New Event Restrictions

New Event restriction: troop role.

Multiple restrictions can apply at the same time in the same event.

The Hero(ine) will be bound to event restrictions, such as colors for weapon choices. No class restrictions. Does NOT apply to older modes, such as Delves, Raid Mode, etc.

– Medal System Changes–

Medal graphics have been redesigned on a revamped token/badge/medal page.

Medal of Cedric will be renamed Medal of Orpheus. No change in medal effect.

There are 3 distinct medal loadouts that can be selected.

Medals loadouts will need to be changed on the World Map still. Attaching medal loadouts specifically to teams was deemed unworkable by the time 4.8 needed to launch. The devs are still working on the issue for a future update.

If a player has event medals that are not equipped when entering an event match, the game will prompt to equip the medal.

– Bug Fixes

The bug with Infernus’s casting has been fixed.
An issue was fixed with Queen Moonclaw’s spell.

– QoL/Other

Players are warned when attempting to craft a Legendary/Mythic is the Soulforge when they already have that unit.

No changes to the Delve system in 4.8.

Treasure Map “revamp” still scheduled (subject to change) for second half of 2020.

PvP “revamp” scheduled (subject to change) for second half of 2020.