Gem Dragon Community Drop Rates

If past is prologue, the developers will introduce some sort of new resource for the new dragons as to forestall those people who are sitting on great hoards of Dragonite from buying their way through the new content as soon as it drops. Or “earning” them will be tied to a different game mode or mechanic altogether as opposed to crafting them in the Soulforge.

I was fortunate that I didn’t have to open the massive number of eggs to get my six base dragons the way so many horror stories in these spaces depict the process. But I can sympathize with those who did given my experience with Hoard Mimics and how long it took me to find one (and the only one I have to date).

And I can just imagine how much worse this whole process will get if they simply add six new dragons into the pool and dilute it so that crafting an egg gets you a 1-of-12 shot at each individual critter. Or the “almost but not quite as obscene” notion that there would be two independent sets of Crystal Dragon Eggs and players would have to go through this process in its entirety all over again just to have everything and “keep up with the Joneses”.

This isn’t to say that Dragonite can’t be part of the recipe if the new dragons must be crafted. Just that I suspect there will be an additional resource not currently present in the game if that’s the mechanism.

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The horde mimic… i got 2 the week the were introduced. Not one since though.

where is the source for this? please

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thank you!

so dev/CX team @Kafka @Bramble can i ask that you review the dragonite situation before you possibly add more eggs to the pool please

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Okay, I am now at 555 Dragonite. Do I start logging my streak for the 6th dragon now, get the Ice Ring weapon out of the way, or hold off until the next milestone (1000) ?

(Apparently, I have never attempted crafting one on a Tuesday…)

If you feel like it, do it.

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15th egg. 4th Garnetarlin today. Still missing Sapphirax

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So, the streak begins:

On the bright side, I have now crafted at least one dragon for each weekday, I haven’t had to disenchant any of them yet, and I actually received this dragon on its color day.

Im currently sitting on 3 purple, 7 green, 1 brown, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 0 red, i have bought no dragonite and feel like ive gotten very unlucky when it comes to perfect dungeon runs seeing people with like 20+ dragon pulls

I average about 1 perfect run per month and also do not buy dragonite(including Underspire).

I just made my 15th egg. Still missing 1 dragon. Have been playing since before they added them.

Beat advice i can give you is to go hard on vault weekend. If it wasnt for dragonite gnomes i would have like 4 fewer dragons. Dia is not required to so anything at all and is not required to enjoy the game, so remember that. I had a guildmate pull 38 eggs before getting them all. Im almost 1500 and i see players at a third of my level that got 6 in a row and have Dia now. At some point you juat stop caring.

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yea, so i buy the campaign, and the new pass, AND do underspire, AND go relatively hard on vault weekends. So the fact you have more dragons opened than me definitely makes me think my dungeon luck is below average lol. I know my dragon luck is relatively average, with 5 unique in 14 pulls, but i wish the 7 green were spread out a bit more :confused: really wish they would just add a double price pick a dragon already, or at least cap them at 4 copies, 7 of the green one is really putting a sour taste in my mouth and heavily discouraging me from ever using gems on dragonite.

I have 1 more dragon than you :joy:

yea, but you said you basically have less guaranteed dragonite income than me, also, if it werent for getting 4 perfect runs in the past week, id only have 12 dragons lol

Even though I already have all dragons, I’m kinda jealous, how many perfect runs all of you had. Until today I opened 8 eggs and had to buy dozens of Dragonite packs just to open those 8. Can’t open another one. :thinking:

I went 4 months without earning any dragonite when it first started. I wasn’t aware of the exploit or whatever it was until after the pattern was ‘fixed’. Apparently my chosen pattern was the one most likely to not hit, news to me until literally like 2 weeks ago, fml lol… with my current trajectoey i should be able to open 1 more egg before year end…so lucky

yea i noticed after about a month or two that i hadnt gotten a perfect run, and i started tracking myself in a spreadsheet, after 2 weeks of doing that, i was hitting a perfect run like once a week, i never used the program, but it woulda been nice to get that little extra boost of % chance. Took me 27 hoard mimics to get the card, but at least i felt like i could attempt that any time i want, being forced to wait a month or longer just to open another green dragon feels like complete garbage

By the time the new dragons come out we still wont have Dia so yay