Platform, device version and operating system:
PC/Mobile, iPad Pro, iOS 14.2
Screenshot or image:
Did not capture a S/S.
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
‘I completed a ToD boss battle with a heroism scroll, but Gems of War hung on the rewards screen showing the spinner and the continue button’
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Once to me, which is every time I’ve used a heroism scroll so far this ToD. Guild mates report the same problem and similar issue with fireball scrolls.
Steps to make it happen again
Use another heroism scroll presumably.
I spotted this on my Kindle and necro-bumped that post, maybe a new bug report would have been more visible allowing a preventative fix, I suspect the same server-side workaround can be used until a 5.3.x client is released.