Per the title, what do you all think is the single funnest troop to play with in the game? Not necessarily the most OP but the most fun. And definitely not ones that are contingent on having another specific troop. Some nominations:
Bone Dragon – It feels real good stripping armor, creating a ton of skulls, massacring some troops, and then getting to go again. Also feels great when attacked and the troop freezes itself.
Goblin Rocket – Fills very fast, does decent damage, explodes, and gives you an extra turn. Fire Link and Aflame are nice little bonuses.
Jarl – Does decent damage, feeds himself, and can create loops pretty effectively. Watching the world burn is pretty fun too.
Kraken – The ability to chain turns together makes it fun but I love moments where you see that extra devour shot sent out. It’s also great when things die just by making matches.
Dragon Soul – Explodes lots of gems (which can lead to looping), does lots of AoE damages, and feels lots of great when it resurrects.
After having thought about it myself, I seem to be focused on “complete” troops that can deal damage and also create loops allowing you to chain moves together and wreck the other team. Is that how others define “fun”? Did I miss some even by this standard?
I love summoning. Doesn’t limit me to only 4 troops
God knows i tried making a good deck with kruarg. But 13 purple is just too damn high! Otherwise he would be my no.1 fun troop.
Now i like playing with elsepeth as she can summon tons of different knights.
I would love that we one day recieve a troop that csn summon a random troop out of all existing troops ^^
Dragon Eggs. Pretty tanky for a common, and reminiscent of kinder eggs or grocery store gumball machine prizes. Then when you hatch it, you get a Baby Dragon, which makes you giggle incessantly as you repeat “not the mama” in your head. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Now you get to train your dragon and see what it turns into. Will it be the powerful Krystenax, or the legendary soul farmer TDS, or the mythical Elemaugrim. Nope, the game laughs at you and gives you Emperina, a dragon so lame even it’s name sounds like a joke. But the best part: you still have your Dragon Eggs and get to do this all over again!
I love the Villager/Werewolf troop.
I love having a Werewolf up top and whenever he gets low on life or a debuff (read DM) then I transform into a villager. When the villager gets in a pickle, he transforms into a Werewolf! It’s a blast and I can just hear the AI screaming “WHY!?” everytime my tank is replenished!
I’ve been starting to have more and more fun with Garuda. AoE damage to all with increasing magic on each cast. Not to mention creating a storm of the color that both fills and increases his magic.
Just wish his traits were a little more exciting. No I don’t want to take a team of Stryx into battle… I only want the Firestorm!
Krystenax is my favorite troop that has been released in a while. Power, control, and a summon with synergy to boot, but use it poorly and it can easily come back to bite you. I also love particularly underused troops like Terraxsis, who can be a particular powerhouse when used correctly. My favorite used to be Black Beast, but instakills and devour are far too prevalent for it to be usable in PvP nowadays. Shame.
You aren’t alone in finding stuff that can chain moves together fun. For me, it doesn’t even have to be a “loop”, I just prefer the majority of my “moves” on the board to be done with spells because it gives far more options to play with in any given situation and manipulating the situation and baiting the AI to a point where I can do a super long “checkmate” chain, especially if I have to work a bit to set up the conditions. Troops that don’t board mod are super boring to me, though, even most of the “good” ones.
Dragonian Monk is incredible fun to mess around with. The gem patterns he can make extra turns of are just amazing.
Only problem is my old brain is a bit slow at processing these patterns, so i spent a lot of time studying the board, it is still fun though, hopefully more practice will speed that up