Funnest troop in the game

Wulfgarok. He’s a pain to charge up, and then you have to wait and set up/hope for the perfect circumstances to use him. But when you get it…DOUBLE KILL!!

Also I really hope his trait gets a buff. All of the new Guild War troops can do the same thing, but to a much larger population of troops. Poor Wulfy.


Gorgotha <3


Kraken. It made me giggle to imagine tentacles mass smacking enemy troops in the face. (I generally had a picture of Squidward in my mind.) :sweat_smile:


Mab all day every day.


Am i really the only one who loves mongo?


Maw is still fun. ‘Ha. You, you are dead. Nom nom nom.’


Probably. :stuck_out_tongue:

I absolutely hate random troops, and he is the embodiment of random.


As for random stuff i just love nobends. Using them in war on both brown and red days. That extra turn is so sweeeet! Exploded the whole board, everyone is fill but you know what? You can keep matching stuff because extra turn.
Or reduce their attacks to 0 and give them all the skulls!


hmm i need to think about nobends, never really considered them , i hate the randomity xD
but an extra turn is always good


I have to say, i hesitated using Nobends for a long time because of the randomness, but after having actually tested them a while back on Zaejin event week, i absolutely adore them.
All three effects fit together well, there is rarely a moment where you feel like ugh this effect is completely useless now. The extra turn makes it really enjoyable because you can always somewhat react to what effect they used in their spell.

On the other hand there is Gog and Gitgud…
Where basically whenever you want one of his two random outcomes, the other doesn’t really fit in your strategy. Ironically i mythic’ed him when he came out, cause it sounded promising and he was a giant, and Giants don’t really have a lot of variety in spells, but after testing him a while i never touched him again.

I liked him (them?) In the week they were busted. With a bit of loop his damage can skyrocket in just a few matches. Not top tier troop, but worth the legendary rarity :slight_smile:


i traited and mythiced it and even had fun using xD
but he is not good enough coz of the randomity,

im waiting for release “necromancy” type of gold limit increase to play him again


Hmm the heavy onehits always seemed kinda wasted when you AoE damaged the rest of the time, and vice versa.
But i might end up giving him another shot with the good critic he gets in here :wink:

Eating your own troops is to… unexpected and so fun :slight_smile:

Black Beast !

To some extend, Princess Elsphet for her attitute and role in the story, and for the “dispatchable allies” ability that matches that story.

Oh, and doing damage to all your troops, is fun too : Gar’nok (if only he was viable).

Hmm, looks like I’m some kind of masochist :frowning:


This has been one of the better event weeks in the past few weeks for one reason.


The 5x damage has always been powerful, but Knight teams are rare in PVP and he dies easily in the front, which keeps him from being overpowered. And his purple/brown blocks a lot of the best Skull producers.

But when you can get everything to fall right, the way he shreds the Knights, despite Armored or Stoneskin, is just a joy to watch.


Bombots are very fun :slight_smile:

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Mongo, Kerby, Kraken, Mimic - all make me laugh and I find them silly. But quite powerful

the Dark Master/Thrall pair - KINKY

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Night Hag… Ahhh when she transforms a famine into a toad. Hahaha always fun to watch.


Wulfgarok when he kills TDS or IK, they resurrect and Wulfy eats the resurrected one.


just for the fun :laughing: