Leprechaun will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.
New Legendary Troop: Tinseltail
Tinseltail will be available exclusively in Event Chests this week, and will make her way to Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in the usual 3-4 weeks.
Wait what?
Empowered explode boosted by gold?
Sounds like a great idea with Greed, Cedrick and the Key.
My battles felt really slow prior with only a small egg thief…
The empowered exploder, even with half magic scaling, has enough magic to hit most of the green gems on a given starting board with just magic bonuses even on a normal week (8 gems). Good thing there are three troops that convert out green that are empowered? If only they didn’t all use the same colors…
Personally, I think an empowered exploder troop was a probably a bad idea to have in the PvP/guild wars metagame. This is going to be a divisive troop because it has potential for both setup free spell spam to facilitate quick grinding and RNG heavy agency stripping defenses (where you can easily get cascaded to death even if you convert out all greens and one or two land on the board prior to you dropping your first turn). Well, onwards and upwards I guess.
Lets just make a deal right now that you won’t put this troop in delve rooms, tower, invasion or raids. Right? Right?
I think leprechaun will shine more in non-gold teams that gold based teams. It’s basically an empowered MC for green (already a plus 1). And it doesnt really need to explode more green that it does from base value. Whereas egg-thief/bronzelock clearly gain a lot of value at high gold, Leprechaun doesnt.
It is however a lot more splashable. As i said, Empowered MC. Hero can be any weapon now, and not worry about the loss of mana from no MC.
As for the legendary… Not bad in looks. terrible in ability. A 12.5% chance to just give 4 magic?
If it had a mandatory explosion instead of a mandatory magic buff, i might use it… but i’m not even going to waste event keys on it.