For the record. How Guild Wars has affected our guild

I don’t know if it’s directly related to GW or not but the overwhelming number of Psion/Famine and Kerb/FG teams in both GW and PVP have pretty much killed my enthusiasm.

I went from 1200 trophies a week down to 500 two weeks ago to 300 last week.

I’m just completely tired of seeing the same 4 or 5 troops over and over again.

I really, really enjoy the challenge of single-color teams and the tension that the GW matches create. I just can’t stand the monotony anymore and to be fair to GW, it extends to PVP as well so it isn’t just GW.


I know the feeling. I’ve gone from 600 trophies weekly to struggling to max seals. PvP is a bore. GW is a chore. And this is a general consensus across my guild… we’re down 20-30% trophy generation.


Think I’m in the same boat as you. Since Guild Wars I make half the amount of trophies I used to. I make most of mine on Monday now. After doing the Guild Wars battles I just don’t want to continue playing for the day.


Not me… GW has invigorated me with GoW! I play like i did when i wuz a noob

I can deal with PVP because I can harmlessly skip the stupid meta Famine/Death or FGkerb teams. I see more variety in PVP (admittedly, it’s not much more variety unless I field crap defense myself.)

GW (in my experience in brackets 2, 3, and 4) is 80% the “standard” Death/Famine or FGkerb teams. I hate when 4 out of my 5 fights are the same two teams.


I would love to see better rewards for guild wars. I swear that the PvP points it gives me are paltry compared to actual PvP. It’s kinda crappy to beat the paragon in bracket 1 and get +31 points.

I think it would be great to get 10x the points and trophies, so more like 300-500 points and 30 trophies for the paragon (scaling down for the lower matches). That would give a sense of achievement and make the time and stress feel way more worthwhile.


That would make sense. And it’s not like you could farm it or anything.

My impressions from GW are positive. Our guild rallied. We have kicked off freeloaders and begun
to communicate. Our guild is not cool (98 in ranking), but we are steadily going up in brackets…
May be we will see not only colored bonus in GW, but e.g. day of Beasts or day of Darkstone?


Bit of a mixed bag, some left, some got reinvigorated and some stay for the rewards but hate the inflexibility of having to have full 30 people to participate for max points. No allowance for holidays (whatever they are, I heard they’re a thing), family problems, work or anything else that real life outside of the game can throw at you.


I have to agree GW has ruined the game and PVP for me. There are many other threads on on how busted the devour mechanic functions in the game, and it seems like Kerby is the only defense people know how to use. It is so old and dated it’s pathetic at best as well as broken. I recently started spending more time and $ on other F2P games because of this, it’s the only way I know how to vote is with my wallet. (Though I am sure this game isn’t hurting in the $ dept)


About the same as @Dan_ozzzy189 Some members left, some stayed. And recently had 2 leave simply because they hated the new changes to GW and didn’t want to feel they would bring the guild down, so they left for lesser guilds. And now with what I was shown by a friend and even some posts are here about it (even pictures). You can score via a loop bug to upwards of 15,000 points per player per day (maybe even more but 15,000 was highest I saw). So not really sure what is improved about this GW over the older version.

And further confused why the developers wanted the community suggestions. When you look at the changes none of the more wanted community changes seem to have made it in. So why did they even ask?

Personally I am finding guild wars worse than before. Yes I want to do the best for my guild but it isn’t worth stressing over. I’m not paid to stress in my job so I won’t for a game mode :slightly_smiling_face: