[Fixed!] Game crashing since 8.1

It has been suggested that this can be prevented by not pressing anything at the end of a battle until you get the victory/defeat screen. No crashes for me so far since trying this but haven’t done a huge amount of battles since, so results may vary.


Buenos días, en Ps4 ocurre lo mismo. Se bloquea en Torre de Perdición (cada vez que terminas de realizar una habitación).
En JcJ, cada 2 o 3 partidas te echa del juego. Error (CE-34878-0)

Crashed for me in ToD and faction. Both events that were already going b4 update

Having the issue on XBox Series X when battles end. Team and enemy composition is different each time. Happening in Adventure Board, PVP, Dungeon, Underspire, and Pet Rescue so far.
It is always at the end of the battle before I even see victory screen or rewards. No idea if I am even earning the rewards from the battles.
Tried to capture, but after it black screens, I am unable to capture. I will try to grab it with streaming software next time.
Invite Code: LYZYRD_8YXP

EDIT: I was able to capture an example of this in PVP. How do I upload the clip? It is mp4 and this site does not allow it.

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My game crashed after the update collecting tribute while also getting the new mail notification from reset. I got the send crash report to Sony screen. Another crash after a battle in pvp. Same crash report screen. I might have pressed x too soon.
Probably unrelated, but in the week before the update, I had a few instances where I got kicked out of the game to the PS4 screen. When I restarted/reentered the game, my battle was still ongoing.

Can you post it to youtube and link to the video? That’s what I do when submitting videos.

I’ve had 3 crashes so far on Xbox Series X

One was in a delve after I won with a telsa cast. I was still able to continue the delve so it counted as a win.

The next was in PVP, I’d pressed the A button on the controller when the spinning circle was on the screen. It took me around a dozen battles to duplicate this mashing the A button when the circle was on the screen, my gold had increase when I reloaded the game so it looks like the rewards are being received.

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Today crashed 1 time after 1st battle in pet rescue. Game close to report error screen.

It is crashing in all modes for me. Outvof about 20 matches today it has crashed 3x. There is no Error Code. It just goes straight to the Xbox home screen. Gems does not automatically restart. Of the 3 today, once was in Dungeon, one in PVP, and once doing Tower. Yesterday I freaked out because it was the Citadel boss and I dont think i got credit for beating him. My sigil was gone when i logged back in too. Invite code is


Same here game crashing my invite code is KILLER_19

Just happened twice in a row(xbox one). First time was right before the victory screen in a monolith battle. 2nd time was the next monolith battle, it crashed before i got to use my turn, it took a sigil but gave no victory. Inv code - JIMBO_9

Edit: 3 in a row now.
Time to take a break from this game

Was forced to update today and now I keep having it crash. Any hopes of delaying vault weekend until it’s fixed?

Death, taxes and the gems of war devs team releasing buggy new material :sob:


How about a post today at least saying it’ll be fixed before Friday?

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Good joke. 50 gems in the mail it is.


Life’s too short for waiting that a buggy game slows down your progress with useless past screens. This is why there is a skip button. :wink:

It will likely require a client side fix, which will likely require going through several weeks of approval processes for consoles.

I don’t know how to play this game without button-mashing.

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Try to play doing your input with your nose only. Please also post a video about it.


I tried that…game still crashed.