[Fixed] Cliffy Error in Citadel battle

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC, Win 11
Screenshot or image:
Played in Summer Isle


Seems to vary, some players are OK others are hitting CLIFFYs.

For me my 5 Summer Isle citadel battles were OK, no CLIFFY: used Ocea’s Tome / Aquaticus / Aquaria / Maraji Queen + Elementalist

But a Winter’s Reach citadel battle with King of Ravens / The Ruby Macaque / King Oberron / Leprechaun + Hierophant → this CLIFFY at end of battle.


There was two choices and after I got the Cliffy in Summer’s Isle, I went to Winter’s Reach (Fey) where I played the rest of my 5 sigils without any issues.

Update: Collecting information from guild members:

  • The first region they play in always triggers a Cliffy error. Once they attempt the remaining region there’s no issues.
  • Some players are reporting a Cliffy error no matter which region they play in. (it’s only when they haven’t played in either area before and it shows 0 score for them)
  • If you have two regions and one region has a 0 score for you, that will be the one with the Cliffy error. Choose the one with a score instead.

2 battles in Winter. 2 wins, 2 sigils used. 0 VP and 0 trophies earned.

0 battles in Summer. 72 VP earned altogether in Winter, not in Summer (after battle 1 in Winter, 0 added after 2nd).

Say what now?! :sob::angry:

I also played 6 battles for Citadel war at Winter’s Reach … after each battle is done, the screen showing error message and no my progress points … just zero.

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Yeah, tried Winter twice in a row, Cliffy. Switched to Summer and no problem after. No Citadel battle for me today. :slight_smile:

So the best chance of success seems to be switching zones after the 1st cliffy.


I also switched after the first crash and was fine for the rest of the battles. Might just be a coincidence, but it’s worth trying if it crashes for you.

I tried Summer for my first two battles and got the Cliffys. I did the rest in Winter and they were fine.

But you missed the boss battle then. Just like me. :worried:

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I just got two cliffy errors in Winter’s Reach which prompted me to come here. Then I decided to check out Summer’s Isle. Team restriction is elemental only, and all of the opponents have goblin teams:

What a shit show.


I had it the other way. Did Summer, got Cliffy so went to winter and fought the 5 battles but first one was against a wargare team rather stormheim. Went back to fight last battle for the 25 marks and got wargare again.

What a complete mess. They messed up big time here.


Same errors here…
Looks pretty much like QA department did not do their job…or gets paid very bad.

Geht mir genauso … 2 Siegel vertan und jetzt keine Punkte und kein Bosskampf und keine Goldmünzen. Ärgerlich

Tried 3 different kingdoms, had 3 cliffys. Nice.

The same error, but Geheron 0 points for each fight because the CLIFFY error appeared before its summary

Same for me @Aidania. No cliffy @Geheron.

Got the error twice in Southwild. Switched to Aidana and … same error.

Cliffy errors in 2 battles, got to the guardian but couldn’t fight him as i ran out of sigils, could have bought more but you guys will not get rewarded for incompetence. The organisation of this game really is the pits, sad thing is the constant screw ups aren’t a surprise anymore


Yep, just lost 2 sigils because of “Cliffy.” :frowning: Won’t bother trying any more battles until I know it’s fixed.