[Fixed] Cliffy Error in Citadel battle

Just did 6. Citadel fights won them all got 6 ciffy errors and no gold marks,yikes

I got the CLIFFY error this morning too …
We are stuck into a huge mess … There was a planning, now you put it in the WCs, flushed so we don’t know what to expect for the next day … It’s full of bugs ( for the best and the worst ) and the whole Alliance leaderboard is full of people who paid their sigils …
I’m sorry to tell you that as playful can I be it leaves me a bitter taste in mouth…
The Citadel Wars would be Okayish without bugs and if we could stick to the plannings you came up with …
(all those you are for the dev team)

Yep same here :frowning_face:

Check :slightly_frowning_face:

Same. Got 2 Cliffy errors both times I tried to play a Citadel battle in Southwild. Don’t remember the numbers on the end of the 1st one, but the 2nd was Cliffy-WYOFU6YAPT.

And this counted as a loss both times, and since you only get 6 sigils to play, and need 5 to fight the guardian, its pointless to continue trying. As I can’t buy more sigils with in-game currency and you have to spend real money on them.

This game is an absolute cluster now. Every single update, whatever is introduced into the game is not fully tested and end up being a disaster that either doesn’t work or breaks other parts of the game.

You get 5 Gold Marks for winning 3 and you do get Citadel Points per battle if that mattered.

Sucks losing the Guardian, but there’s a little bit of table scraps left

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the screencaptures of the CLIFFY Error codes, it really does help a lot!

And I’ve let the development team know about this issue


Thank you for letting us know you’ve let them know.


Platform, device version and operating system:


What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I do a Citadel battle, win, but then game says Cliffy Error and restarts by itself, and my sigil is gone even though I won there are no points for winning.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Steps to make it happen again
Fix PVP bugs, pls return 3 used sigils.


Since there are 5 citadel wars happening right now, I decided to test them all out, one battle each.

Winter’s Reach, Summer Isle, and Aidania all ended in a Cliffy error, while Southwild and Geheron both worked more or less normally. I hope that helps get this resolved quickly! I also hope you hire some actual bug testers!


Hello :slight_smile:

Just a quick heads up that there should be a fix rolling out for this issue in the next 24 hours.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!


Hi @Bramble - I just played some PVP. I lost a sigil due to a cliffy error in Southwild, where I had zero citadel points. Switched to Geheron where I had citadel points already, and was able to play the remaining 5 no problem. Just some more data for the Devs. Are you guys going to compensate us for sigils lost? Should I submit a help ticket? Per the other thread, more specifics about what issue(s) this fix is addressing would be helpful.


Please do not submit a help ticket - the trash bin is already full and pickup isn’t until Tuesday.


:rofl: ten characters


I’ve got a suggestion. Fix the broken mess before you add more broken and buggy stuff to it. The game is an absolute shambles it really is